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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2014-02-17 08:18:34

[UVA] 10488 - Swimming Gopher

Problem E A Swimming Gopher Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 2 seconds A gopher lives in the flatlands of Northern Saskatchewan and travels frequently to see his co...

2014-02-17 08:13:48

[UVA] 10471 - Can't be too GREEDY

Return of the Aztecs Problem I: Can't be too GREEDY Time Limit: 5 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Greed is all right, by the way I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy a...

2014-02-17 08:04:37

[UVA][幾何] 10445 - Make Polygon

Problem B Make Polygon Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 2 seconds Mr. Picasso is a geometry expert. Recently he invented a method of drawing polygon. He st...

2014-02-17 07:57:54

[UVA] 10423 - Peter Takes a Tramway

Problem E Peter Takes a Tramway Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 2 seconds Main Town has a well-developed system of tramway network. Since most of the important b...

2014-02-17 07:47:59

[UVA][bfs] 10477 - The Hybrid Knight

The Hybrid Knight Hybridization is a very important concept in Biology, Chemistry and in many other fields. But is not at all an important concept in chess. Today we shall introduce a new ches...

2014-02-17 07:43:32

[UVA][數學] 11051 - Dihedral groups

2006/2007 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest University of Ulm Local Contest Dihedral groups Consider n points on a unit circle with numbers k = 0, 1, …, n-1. Initially point...

2014-02-17 07:36:29

[UVA][凸包、射線法] 11072 - Points

Points Time limit: 10s In this problem you will be given a set of points in the Euclidian plane. The number of points in the set will never exceed 100000. The coordinates of these points will b...

2014-01-30 15:09:37

[ZJ][中線定理] d408. 我要最小值 (Part 2)

內容 : 三角形ABC內部一點P請求:PA2+PB2+PC2的最小值! 輸入說明 : 第一行輸入正整數N代表接下來有N組測資,1<=N<=5000N=0時代表輸入結束,不須處裡這行輸入。接下...

2014-01-30 15:07:37

[ZJ][遞迴] d734. 另类Hanoi

內容 : 设有n个大小不同的中空圆盘,按从小到大的顺序从1到n编号。将这n个圆盘任意的迭套在三根立柱上,立柱的编号依次为 a、b、c ,这个状态称为初始状态。现在要求找到一种步数最少的移动方案,...

2014-01-30 15:03:59

[ZJ][大數除法] a667. 可怕的除法

內容 : 計算高精度除法的商、餘數(模)。(被除數≥0,除數>0) 輸入說明 : 輸入有多组測資(不多於11個)每组測資有一行,第一個數為被除數,第二個數為除數。 ...

2014-01-24 11:53:48

[ZJ] a812: 2013高雄市能力競賽高中組 3. 動物排隊

ShowImage.png[ZJ]/**********************************************************************************//* Problem: a812 "2013高雄市能力競賽高中組 3. 動物排隊" from 2013高雄市資訊學科能力複賽*//* Languag...

2014-01-24 11:50:59

[ZJ][單調堆] a813 2013高雄市能力競賽高中組 4. 城市觀測

[ZJ][單調堆] a813 2013高雄市能力競賽高中組 4. 城市觀測/**********************************************************************************//* Problem: a813 "2013高雄市能力競賽高中組 4. 城市觀測" from 2...

2014-01-24 11:48:27

[ZJ][二分貪婪] a692 區域劃分

內容 : 天又酷國有 n 個城市,這些城市以 n-1 條道路相連,且彼此可透過這些道路互相到達。天又酷國國王是個蘿莉控,經過調查,他知道每個城市的蘿莉數。他現在要把他的國家分成 k 個區域,區...

2014-01-24 11:44:53

[ZJ] a764、a768、a779

內容 : 如此這般,Tony搬到了嚮往以久的東京居住。到了一個新地方的念頭當然就是先把附近有名的景點弄熟!Tony列出了N(1 <= N <=400)個景點,分別由1編號到N,以及M(1 <= M <= 10000)...

2014-01-24 11:40:55

[ZJ] a758 二、營救夥伴、a759 三、N進位、a763 pB. Shark 的數學遊戲

內容 : 珍珍被惡魔黨抓走了,經過在山區一連串的偵查與探索,鐵雄在一個隱密的山洞裡總算找到了珍珍。但是,惡魔黨也不是省油的燈,精心設計了機關把珍珍與炸彈開關綑綁在一起了,鐵雄必須解除機關...

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