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Tons of Saudi diesel arrive to power Yemen city

RIYADH: A new shipment of oil derivatives consisting of 5,400 tons of diesel donated to Yemen by Saudi Arabia has reached Al-Mahra Governorate.

Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, the grant was provided through the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen to feed the governorate’s power plants.

The new batch was received in the presence of senior Yemeni officials and Abdullah Basliman, the SDRPY’s office director in Al-Mahra and Hadhramaut.

Salem Abdullah Nimer, secretary-general of the local council of Al-Mahra governorate, thanked the Saudi government for the aid, and acknowledged other grants provided by the Kingdom in the past.

On April 15, the governorate of Hadhramaut received 10,000 tons of diesel.

In the past year, the Kingdom has provided Yemen over 1.2 million metric tons of oil derivatives worth $422 million. The total support provided over the years is $4.2 billion.

The SDRPY has also implemented more than 207 development projects and initiatives in various parts of Yemen, including in education, health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, and capacity building of government institutions.

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The SDRPY was established through a royal decree to assist the Yemeni people in reconstructing their country by working with the government.

It accomplishes its mission with donor involvement from partner organizations and countries advocating on behalf of Yemen.

The SDRPY’s short, medium, and long-term reconstruction projects are assisting to reconstruct the country’s infrastructure, improve living standards, increase job opportunities, and encourage sustainable peace in a secure and stable environment.

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