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2003-05-24 20:05:35| 人氣111| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

時事英文(ab. SARS)

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U.S. epidemiologist to leave Taipei after showing SARS signs
Amber Wang, TAIPEI, Taiwan, The China Post
An American epidemiologist who has been in Taiwan since May 15 to assist the local authorities in curbing the SARS outbreak will return to the United States today via a chartered plane after he showed SARS-like signs. The doctor, identified by the Central News Agency as Chesley Richards, developed respiratory symptoms yesterday.
The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Washington's de facto embassy in Taipei, did not identify Richards. In a statement, the AIT said: "A member of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USCDC) ... has been admitted to a hospital for evaluation."
Richards, accompanied by another member of the USCDC team, will leave Taipei this morning aboard a plane chartered by American authorities. “The Taiwan Department of Health, the Taiwan Center for Disease Control, and the Taipei City Bureau of Health all have been notified," the statement went on. All Taiwan health authority recommendations and guidelines are being followed, the statement added. The AIT said the rest of the USCDC team members will remain in Taiwan to provide their assistance in the fight against SARS.
The epidemiologist has suffered a fever of over 38 degrees Celsius and muscle pain since May 19, according to the CDC in Taipei
01. epidemiologist n. 病理學家【少用單字,不用背】
02. sign n. 1.痕跡; 跡象;2. 前兆; 預兆【常用單字,要背】
03. assist vt.(assisted, assisting, assists)幫助、協助【常用單字,不過可以先不背】
04. authority n. 1. 權威, 威信 2. 政府當局, 政府官員【一定要背】
05. curb v.(curbed, curb.ing, curbs)1 抑制; 阻礙;【次常用字,多注意】
06. outbreak n. 爆發 【以後再背吧】
07. via <<介系詞>>1 經由 2 用…, 以…【這個字我考研究所時有考哦!不過妳們知道就好,不用背!】
08. chartered a. 1 獲得特許的、2 (船)租賃契約的; 包租的【先不背】
09. identify vt.確認; 驗明【重要快背!】
10. Central News Agency 【簡:CNA】中央通訊社,台灣國營新聞通訊社。
11. respiratory a.呼吸的【先不用背】
12. symptom n.1 徵候, 徵兆, 前兆 (of)2『醫』徵候, 症候, 症狀 (of)【重要!】
13. The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT),美國在台協會,我國與美國沒有邦交,因此沒有互設大使館。不過,《基於台美共同防禦條約》,與《台灣關係法》,美國設AIT。如果想到美國,必須到這裡辦護照哦!
14. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USCDC),美國中央疾病管制局
15. evaluation n.核定, 評價【先不背】
17. accompanied vt. 陪, 隨行, 陪伴; 跟隨
18. aboard v.搭(飛機、船)【先不背】
19. recommendation n.勸告, 忠告【新聞英語常用字】
20. fever n.發燒【還等什麼?快背!】
21.embassy n.大使館【看看就好】
美國傳染病學家出現sars病症後 ,離開台北. 五月十五日sars疫情爆發後,來台協助我國官員防役的美國傳染病學家,在出現sars疑似症狀後,於今日搭乘包機回到美國中央社證實,這名醫生是Chesley Richards,昨日已出現呼吸上的症狀。如同大使館的美國在台協會不願證實就是Richards。Richards與其它美國疾管同事,將於今晨搭乘美國包機離開台北。台灣的衛生署、疾病管制局和台北市衛生局都證實了這項消息。消息還指出,所以衛生官員的建議和勸告都應遵守。AIT表示,剩下的USCDC成員,將留在台灣協助抗煞。根據台北CDC指出,這位傳染病學家,十九日後,高燒至38度,而且肌肉疼痛。

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