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2009-02-08 20:09:44| 人氣56| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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     My mom is the one who really knows me. We were talking about my future this afternoon. She said that if I’m going to pass through the rest of my life by myself, then, I should do some plans for my own good. Such as, buy a new house or go traveling.


     It sounds nice. It also sounds like I got a plenty of works to do. It’s a very bad time at this moment. I’m confused all the time; even now, I still don’t know which way to go. Seriously, what do you really think that a woman’s life supposes to be? Get married or be tougher in her job or get both?


     Life is not easy; I learned that in HOUSE and GREY’S ANATOMY. Life is also boring; that’s what Anthony told me. If we don’t want to be bored, we might make our life as a mess. It’s impossible for us to live in an interesting world, and what makes our life become such dull? I think it is responsibility. When we are grownups, that mean there are lots of things we have to do…, yes, THINGS WE HAVE TO DO.



台長: 赫本迷


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