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Tesco has established a number of networks to ensure that it engages with all its people. Its four key networks are:

• Out at Tesco. This group represents those with different sexual orientations. It has over 1,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members and is recognised by other groups as an excellent example of how such networks should operate.
• Women in Business. This is the longest established network. There are a number of branches supporting women’s issues, raising the profile of women in the business and supporting them to develop their careers through training, mentoring and career sponsorship.

• Tesco Asian Network. This helps to raise the profile of careers at Tesco to Asian groups. It holds two events each year where Asian colleagues are invited to attend to network, share experiences and visit a ‘careers fair’ about opportunities at Tesco. It has inspired a series of ‘parents’ evenings’, which have helped Asian parents to understand the career opportunities available at Tesco and understand the range of jobs their children could enjoy in the business.

• ABC Network. This is the most recent network, which builds on an idea raised at an Asian Network event. Its aim is to make Tesco the employer of choice for African, Black British and Caribbean colleagues and to provide training and development opportunities which will enable more black people to reach senior positions within the business. 、
ABC 網路,這是最近剛成立的網路,這是在亞裔網路活動中所創立的新觀念,旨在讓特易購以僱主的身份挑選非洲裔、英國裔黑人和加勒比海裔同僚,並提供培訓機會,可讓更多的黑人在事業中取得更高的職位。

本篇文章引用自此: https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150425000016KK04517

台長: teresab3t21d6
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