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2010-01-06 08:00:51| 人氣253| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

D4 Thermal Shock

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Attack Deep Fat Deposits And Skyrocket Caloric Burn!

D4 Thermal Shock

Cellucor D4 Thermal Shock


Much like D4 Extreme, D4 Thermal Shock was designed to help you burn fat. The difference is in the overall intensity and sheer thermogenesis. 

D4 Thermal Shock will help you burn body fat while giving you an intense jolt of energy. There is no crash, only high voltage intensity and weight loss results that come from each dose. 

D4 Thermal Shock has quickly gained the reputation for being a strong product in this category. The product is very strong and we recommend only taking half of the dose to test for personal tolerance levels.

SALE! Hard-to-Find & Highly Demanded - Cellucor Pr

SALE! Cellucor D4 Thermal Shock - Fat Burner & App SALE! Cellucor P6 Extreme - Testosterone Booster SALE! Cellucor N0 Extreme - Elite Nitric Oxide Sup

台長: tupow2002
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