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2008-11-30 00:40:43| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Death comes to visit my soul, and he tries to bring it away.

I endeavor to refuse his suggestion, but I failed.

I don’t want to lose everything around me for now.

I fight and fight with his threat and bewitchment.

All I remember is your smile and your childish behaviors.

I think once we were lovers, but I misunderstand the relationship

between you and me.

I try to convince myself that you are just only my friend.

I tell myself that I need to give up on love you again and again

and I failed again and again. It did drive me crazy.

Death tries his best to bring my soul.

I give him it all my dirty words to refuse that.

I just like a wounded animal, I cry out, run, and drop my tears

until I am exhausted.

I don’t want to be compromised with him, but he did make me to surrender.

I knew that I already lose you and I tried to ignore it.

Because of the death makes me become his servant

and I suffer the pain from losing you.

My heart was broken and bleeding for breaking up with you, but you never know that.

I want to unleash my sad emotion, instead of locking up my soul, my heart.

It’s time to say farewell, my love!

台長: 孤獨的愛情-舞宇
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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