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2024-04-25 11:16:53


Mental attitude plays a far more important role in a person’s success or failure than mental capacity.–Kemmons Wilson對於一個人的成功與失敗,態度所扮演的角色比能力更重要許多。– 凱蒙斯...

2024-04-16 02:24:51

文字趴之快閃主題-禮物 (兩顆雞蛋)


2024-03-08 02:58:10


No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. — Calvin Coolidge 沒有人因得到了什麼而受到尊敬,尊敬是一個人因付出而得到的回饋。 – 卡爾文‧...

2024-02-20 09:47:31


I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out.– Nancy Reagan 我非常相信一切最終都會回到你身上,你回收你所付出的。– 南茜·雷根

2024-01-06 00:32:30


Giving is a universal opportunity. Regardless of your age, profession, religion, income bracket, and background, you have the capacity to create change.— Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen助人是一種普世...

2023-12-31 00:00:00

文字趴之年末感謝 - 很長


2023-12-12 19:24:48


首先感謝陳跡台長 - 屬於你的星空一文 我的星空其實也挺好看的啦至少我有星我沒有摩斯沙塵暴的火星也沒有三樓的幽靈但是花生兄 沒有花生星就沒道理了居然花生兄來了一隻猴9兄還帶了一隻狗搞個十二生肖啊哈哈哈哈 喔對...

2023-11-29 02:37:24


The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give… In any case, the giving of love is an education in itself— Eleanor Roosevelt在所有關係裡,最重要的不是...

2023-11-16 02:00:00

文字趴之給我一首歌的時間 - 獨家記憶


2023-11-11 01:28:18

插播 - 一步一腳印


2023-08-08 06:00:00


When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.— Wayne Dyer當...

2023-02-24 11:08:31


Every worthwhile accomplishment has a price tag attached to it. The question is always whether you are willing to pay the price to attain it in hard work, sacrifice, patience, faith, and endurance.&...

2022-09-23 17:09:56


The only way to achieve our full potential is to channel the talents, ideas and contributions of every person in the world. – Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Philanthropists完全發揮潛能的唯...

2022-08-19 14:54:55


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. — Winston Churchill我們藉由得到的來維持生活。 我們藉由付出的來創造生活。 — 溫斯頓‧邱吉爾

2022-07-11 06:35:24


The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you. — Brian Tracy, Motivational Coach 你付出的信用額度愈多,你回收的...

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