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【活動搶折扣】Concord 嬰兒提籃 AIR.SAFE,含 Airfix Isofix 底座 人氣產品排行榜選購指南

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Concord Infant Car Seat AIR.SAFE incl. Airfix Isofix Base 設計式樣: Cosmic Black · 2018

The Concord Infant Car Seat AIR.SAFE incl. Airfix Isofix Base guarantee maximum safety and comfort. Suitable right from birth up to approx. 18 months your little one travels with you in your car in a completely safe and secure way. The infant car seat is certified for group 0+ (0 - 13kg) and conforms to the ECE Norm R44/04.

Items of delivery include:

  • Concord Infant Carrier AIR.SAFE

  • Concord Airfix Isofix-Base

暢銷產品2018熱門商品Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ suitable for babies weighing up to 13kg

  • Suitable from birth up to 18 months

According to the Norm:

  • ECE R44/04

The Infant car seat is installed against direction of travel, so that your little one is carried safely in a rear-facing mode. According to your wishes and possibilities you can attach the infant car seat either to the Concord Airfix-Base or to the standard seat belt of your car. The Isofix-Base, included in the delivery, is fastened firmly to the Isofix anchor points. As soon as the base is attached to the body of your car, it remains there so that the infant car seat can easily be clicked in or released from the base - no additional fastening of the infant car seat needed. Another way to attach the baby seat safely is to use the standard three-point harness of your car.

Due to the infant car seat's extremely light weight網路熱銷產品限定產品 of only 2,9 kg you can carry around your little one without any effort. The car's own three-point harness provides your child with optimum safety while travelling. In order to take a nap or only just rest, the soft cover offers perfect reclining comfort. For baby's first months, the AIR.SAFE infant car seat is equipped with an adjustable seat unit. A reversible insert supports your new-born and provides extra safety. Later, you can easily remove the insert - this way the space inside the infant car seat is increased. A sun canopy with UV protection 50+ protects your little one from direct sunlight and draught.

Product details of the Infant Car Seat AIR.SAFE:

  • Certified for group 0+

  • Suitable from birth up to 18 months

  • Suitable for children weighing up to 13 kg

  • Carrier itself is extremely light in weight (only 2,9 kg)

  • Effortless carrying and adjustment either on the buggy or in the car
  • 特惠活動銷售排行榜

  • Innovative safety technologies: construction of seat shell is similar to a bike helmet

  • Multifunctional button for easy adjustment of the handlebar and TS-release

  • Including sun canopy with UV protection 50+, water-resistant and washable

  • Easy height-adjustment of head rest, belt length adjusts accordingly

  • Soft-padded covers, washable and easy to remove

  • Including seat insert for new-borns as well as removable pelvic support

  • Three-point harness for secure fixation of child

  • Central belt adjustment on the bottom, out of reach for baby's feet - offers additional reclinig comfort

Product details Airfix-Base:

  • Suitable for AIR.SAFE

  • Easy to install

  • Including footrest for additional support

  • Isofix-connectors can be adjusted easily from the front via handwheel




Concord 嬰兒提籃 AIR.SAFE,含 Airfix Isofix 底座





期末考排太早! 男大生怒PO文「要殺教授」下場慘

美國佛羅里達州一名20歲的男大生戴可馬斯(Rafael Decomas),對於教授把期末考排在早上7點相當不滿,便半夜上網PO文發洩,並在文中怒罵「要殺了教授」,結果隔天就因威脅殺人被警方逮捕,最後還得付5千美元(約15.5萬元台幣)才獲保釋。

綜合外媒報導,戴可馬斯就讀佛羅里達大西洋大學(Florida Atlantic University),這學期修了1門與資料結構相關的課,但教授懷茲(Carl Weiss)卻把期末考安排在早上7點,讓身為通勤族的戴可馬斯相當不滿,據了解,戴可馬斯住處距離校區約50公里,因此若早上7點考試,他必須早上5點起床才能趕上。


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