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光的課程03.27.2013 安德魯上師訊息

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 3.27.2013 安德魯上師訊息

























翻譯 Sarah

修訂 Tori

Message from Andrew: 03/27/2013 @ Lightworker’s Sanctuary

It is good to speak, this is Andrew, and my life as a disciple was a remarkable journey of responding to the power of Divine Love. Long before I was awakened to this experience, I lived in a simple and often confusing experience. In the world as you see it, in its present activity it is a confusing state of life. Many, many, many souls have come into this time period to learn lessons that are most difficult and most alarming. Their life appears as a conflict, a warrior like effect, a condition that blocks the flow of love.

We see the turmoil that rages among so many different groups. But in this moment of time, you want to see yourself as a conduit of light. You are to see yourself in a mirror that allows you to see yourself as a radiant being that transfers love from the very heart of you and from the intention of the soul as you.

Your soul has a design, a blueprint, a sign of intention; your soul’s record maybe to break through all patterns that separate you from the greater self as you. The greater self is the consciousness of your being. It is not separate from you but is always a part of you. But in the confusing states of unknown factors you become separated by doubt or fear or challenges or pain.

So as I speak in this moment, I ask that each of you from the deepest level in you, release into the light all that would cause you a state of anxiety, a state of doubt of who you are, of what you are meant to be and what is yet to be accomplished. In the center of this circle of light is a radiant energy in the form of a Cross. It is radiantly magnified in the White light and with this in effect, let your mind let go of what causes as a resists or doubt or a fear or a state of wellness, wholeness and peace. Whatever may have caused hurt, denial of love, resistance of accepting being worthy of love, let it go. Whatever may be an unresolved conflict in your relationship with others in your family or soul’s of another time, it is important to just let go of what

appeared as mistakes, wrong choices and unjust conditions and let it be from the resources of your highre is a freedom in you to walk without the pain of the past.


So as the Cross is in effect, let the energies of its rays assist you of any condition and it can be a memory, an act of unjust conditions, it maybe a frustration of being without a sense of being understood within yourself, as yourself, let it go. At this moment you simply know you are as Divine Being already cleared of what appears as your imperfections. It is not a fault you have created or a fault that others have created. Let go of the idea that there is a fault that has caused a challenge in you. See these are the opportunities that bring the lessons of compassion and understanding and wisdom to its greater state of being.

When Jesus walked amongst all the people, each one carried in themselves the harshness of life, the dissatisfaction of who they expressed, like you they had intentions and goals this wished to create but found often it was not fulfilled. So hurt in the heart, anger in the mind, fear in the soul drove others to just be in a lost state. Jesus walked amongst them; often their bodies and their minds would suddenly be free from those experiences. It was a remarkable event to watch how His heart opened like a flower and melted away the discontent, the arguments and the lack of respect.

And so as I speak, in this moment of time, you are freeing yourself from any past element of negativity and you will recognize even through this daily status of change, you are becoming more and more right, open, able to see beyond the negativity and rise to a higher state of inner joy.


So as you are wising up to a state of more light and awareness of peace, there is a movement of energy that is very effective in connecting with many others that have not yet found that ability to find and be at peace.

So as I speak, I ask each of you rise up through the levels of Mind, move up into and through what is known as the network of light, the invisible but effective soured of energy that is constantly transmitting energy and thought and power to raise the state of existing and living in the human life as a Divine Being.

So with the energy of the White light and its intensity of vibration, perceive it sending out the messages throughout all the network where it can be a resource that changes vibrations of human thinking, where there is lack of understanding or freedom to explore the many avenues of awakening to truth, where there is there is suppression and control of those who wish to be free, let it be that the energy of White light is in effect.

Let yourself now; allow your line to be the Source that is transmitting the energy, the power of change, transformation, upliftment and love.

There is much to transmit into all the chaos that is taking place. Just perceive light is directed where darkness has been, the strongest factor that light comes through and changes the thoughts and actions that would cause destruction and the effects of war. Let it be there is a higher reality magnifying into and through the network of light for the collective consciousness of human activity.


And from this network of light simply perceive it is a transmitter of thought, it is what’s transmitting visions for greater good, it is transmitting the intentions of all who see the age of light that has come the age of creating this time of upliftment is taking place.

And in your daily practice think I am globally participating in the healing of humanity and uplifting the sources that cause illusion and dissipation of Higher Consciousness.

And now, when you are ready just allow yourself to come back and to transmit into your physical self the joy, the peace and the acceptance of all that you are being acknowledged in the Christ Consciousness of Light, walk without fear and let peace magnify and so it is.



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