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不忍上海封城獨居老人苦「口紅一哥」掏腰包 暖捐28億物資網狂


[周刊王CTWANT] 上海封城不僅疫情越封嚴重,還造成許多居民糧食短缺、物價飛漲,許多明星、網紅見此紛紛發揮愛心購買物資馳援,中國大陸知名直播主「口紅一哥」李佳琦也自掏腰包,購買了將近28噸的「防疫關愛包」,為高齡獨居老人提供雞蛋、麵條、牛奶和即溶麥片等產品。

「我的媽呀」、「Oh my god!」直播主李佳琦靠著浮誇反應在網路上累績一大票粉絲,不僅在微博擁有3千萬人追蹤,開直播帶貨也屢屢創下佳績。擁有龐大影響力的他,近日眼見上海慘況,發起公益活動,購買28噸生活用品,指定用於援助上海獨居老人。



Fei Teng Wireless Technology (FT-RF) is a Taiwan antenna manufacturer. Since our inception in 2001, we have been consistently inventing and improving in order to better understand and respond to the demands of our clients.

We design and produce innovative antenna solutions for handheld, manpack, vehicular, ground-based, and maritime applications. Our antennas span a wide range of frequencies, including HF, VHF, and UHF. Within the same product groups, we also have multi-band antennas that cover many frequency bands.

There is an ODM OEM RD service offered. with over 30 years of experience in this industry and becoming a supplier of military antenna for region countries continue in 5 years. We offer the highest product quality at the lowest possible price.

FT-RF specializes in producing:

Military Antennas (Jammer Antenna, Military Horn antenna, Military vehicle antenna, Antenna Telescope Mast, Marine, Panel, Log Periodic antenna, Gooseneck, Whip, GPS, Connector, Adapter...) Please visit the website: https://military.ft-rf.com.tw/
Outdoor Antenna and Indoor Antenna: Including Lora Antenna, ISM, LPWA antenna (868MHz antenna aka EU868, 915MHz antenna aka US915, 923MHz antenna aka AS923 and others.), 4G LTE antenna, 5G antenna, Wifi Antenna, Multi-Frequency Antenna, UHF antenna..., RF components, Cables and Connectors. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN applications, including 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 868 MHz, and 923 MHz... Our product line comprises both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium Network support. Please visit the website here: https://ft-rf.com.tw/.
Horn Antenna: RF Microwave Antennas, EMC test equipment (Double Ridged Horn Antenna, Open boundary double ridged horn antenna, Quad Ridged Horn Antenna, Standard Gain Horn antenna, Waveguide to coax Adapter, precision Sleeve Dipole Antenna, Log Periodic Antenna, Antenna Tripod, RF connectors... Please visit the website: https://horn.ft-rf.com.tw/





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