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2006-09-24 00:14:58| 人氣191| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Marathon of Hope How one brave,young man inspired a nation

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Terry Fox died in 1981.He was only 22 years old.Although his life was short,his memory still inspires millions of people around the world.
In 1977,Fox was a university student in British Columbia when he became sick with bone cancer.Doctors had to amputate most of his right leg.While he was recovering,he saw the life and death struggles of people with cancer.He wanted to do something to help.He came up with the idea of the"Marathon of Hone"-a run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.
Fox practised running with his artificial leg.After months of training,he was ready to go.On April 12,1980,he set out from St.John’s Newfoundland.He ran an average of 40 kilometres every day,seven days a week.He started at4:30 in the morning,rain or shine.
He began the Marathon of Hope almost unnoticed,but the publicity grew as he moved through Quebec.When he arrived in Toronto,ten thousand people cheered him.
Canadians watched his progress on television with great interest.They were moved by his courage and determination.
Jest outside Thunder Bay,Ontario,Fox had to stop his run.He tearfully announced that the cancer had come back and spread to his legs.Within 11 months,he was dead.
Terry Fox’s accomplishment was truly extraordinary.He ran 5,373 kilometres in 143 days.He raised 25 million for cancer research.And he became a Canadian hero.

The Terry Fox story is not over.Every year,Canadians and people in 54 other countries around the word participate in the Terry Fox Run.They walk or run to raise money for cancer research.
The first Terry Fox Run was in 1981.Since then,it has raised a quarter of a billion dollars.


台長: Salt
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)


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