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【優惠專區】Britax R-mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃 熱銷商品超值推薦



但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

經過了Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃










Britax Römer Infant Car Seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size 設計式樣: Storm Grey · 2019

The infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by Britax Römer offers plenty of space to grow and provides a flat recline position.

Group/weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a body height of 83 cm

  • Suitable for children from birth up to 13 kg

  • Can be used from birth up to approximately 15 months

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R129 (i-Size)

Attaching the infant car seat by using the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base or the Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!) is very simple. Colour indicators signalise whether the infant car seat has been installed correctly and provide additional safety. Alternatively, you can install the infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by using your car's own seat belt.

At the beginning, the neck muscles of newborn babies is not yet fully developed which is why your child should preferably lie in a flat position. The patented technology by Britax Römer ensures such a position. Adjusting the recline position is very simple - when you adjust the height of the headrest, the recline position adapts accordingly. The built-in newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam padding provides extra support and additional protection.

The SICT technology is to be activated on the door side of the car seat at all times. The side impact protection technology provides double protection for your child. In case of a side impact, the forces that occur are distributed away from your little one and then absorbed.

The 5-point safety belt is perfectly suitable for your child. It keeps him safe in the shell and distributed the forces that occur in the event of an impact via five different points. The padded headrest as well as the shoulder straps can be adjusted easily and with only one hand - that way, they can be adapted perfectly to the size of your child.

大力推薦CP值爆表Tip: Please make sure that the headrest is always in the correct position above the shoulders of your child.

The sun canopy offers protection against wind and sunshine. Due to the fact that the attachment points are located on the side of the carrying handle, you can easily carry infant car seat even when canopy is opened. The carrying handle can be unlocked on each side and adjusted in an easy and effortless way. When the infant car seat is put on the floor, you can easily put your child in or else prevent the Baby Safe 2 i-Size from rocking.

Another great highlight: The Baby Safe 2 i-Size is certified and approved for being used on airplanes. That way, your little one can enjoy the tried and tested safety as well as the comfort provided by this infant car seat both when travelling by car and by plane.


  • Infant car seat with a lot of space and flat lying position

  • Suitable from birth up to approximately 13kg

  • Installation via car's own seat belt or the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base and Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!)

  • Certified and approved for being used on airplanes

  • Inclination of base can be adjusted in four different levels

  • Newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam pads

  • Dual-shield side impact protection

  • Five-point harness with belt pads

  • Sun canopy with UV protection 50+

  • Dimensions: 58 x W 44 x D 67 cm

  • Weight: 4.8 kg

  • 熱銷商品超值推薦
  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃





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Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

推薦, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

討論, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

部落客, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

比較評比, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

使用評比, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

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CP值, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

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好用嗎?, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃


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