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[ 美國原裝 ] Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels_0

Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels

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Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels價格



Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels商品



Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels價格




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Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels


Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels介紹

  • Premium Extract
  • Prostate Health
  • 85-95% Fatty Acids
  • Dietary Supplement
Did you know? Saw Palmetto berries are the deep colored fruit of a small palm that grows wild in warm climates of the Southeastern United States.

Health & longevity through the healing power of nature-that's what it means to Trust the Leaf.

Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa repens) is standardized to 85-95% fatty acids. Using a liposterolic extraction method, this product provides the clinical dose for promoting prostate health.

Our Saw Palmetto extract is carefully tested and produced to certified quality standards.

Take 1 softgel twice daily, preferably with food. Best results obtained with continuous use.

Olive oil, gelatin (softgel), glycerin, water.

民生東路2段英文家教行情 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Freshness & safety sealed with printed outer shrinkwrap and printed inner seal.麻園一街英文家教行情 Do not use if either seal is broken or missing. Keep out of reach of children.

Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Saw Palmetto extract (berry) 85-95% fatty acids 160 mg **
**Daily Value not established.



Nature's Way, Saw Palmetto Standardized, 60 Softgels商品



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