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【美國原裝】Natural Care Retention

< type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "brand", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "bestRating": 5, "worstRating": 1, "ratingCount": 2536 , "ratingValue": 4.7 }, "image": "https://www.images-iherb.com/v/NTC-79585-1.jpg", "name": "Natural Care, Retention Care, 60 Tablets"}

保健品-Natural Care, Retention Care, 60 Tablets

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  • H2O
  • Dietary Supplement
Formulated herbal blend with Uva Ursi, Parsley, Juniper Berries, 床的世界Cranberry and More.

Herbal Blend

Retention Care uses a balanced blend of 維霖診所曹院長botanicals that are known for their reputed gentle properties.

Phytonutrient Complex

The term Phytonutrient covers a large range of plant derived materials that are believed to have some benefits when it comes to supporting the proper functioning of the 髮旺旺human body. These many different nutrients classified as phytonutrient are important in plants because they constitute the plants defensive systems. These phytonutrients are responsible to help keep plants healthy in despite of the many environment issues, insects and pollutants a plant may encounter in the soil or air around them.

Electrolyte Blend

An electrolyte is any substance, usually mineral, that has free ions that are electrically charged. As the body increases urine output, in some cases to a small degree certain minerals may also be lost. The electrolyte complex in Retention Care is included to help support appropriate levels.

Urinary Tract Support

Known traditionally for properties that help provide nutritive support for a healthy uri髮旺旺nary tract, Rose hips, couch grass and cranberry have been included in the Retention Care formula.

About Water Retention

There are a number of reasons people retain water. A few of the more com髮旺旺mon reasons the body holds on to water may include weight gain, too much sodium in the food we eat, warmer weather and allergies. An herbal blend may provide nutritive support for the body's healthy water elimination processes. Water retention is often a sign of something more serious affecting your body systems. It is always a good practice to consult your licensed health care provider before taking any type of diuretic.

Natural Care, Retention Care, 60 Tablets





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