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Prophecies tend to be thoughts of the character's upcoming, supplied by Navali. They may be bought for just one Silver Gold coin and they are saved in the prediction display screen. These types of prophecies impact the near future of what goes on towards the player's personality. A few can transform places to create various runs into or pressure numerous final results to happen. Other people induce when a problem happens and change the end result.
To have an extra expense of Silver Gold and silver coins, Navali may close off prophecies, switching all of them in to products so they tend to be tradeable. This enables gamers in order to hold off their own destiny, or make profit onto it.
Prophecies that not induce on launching the will never induce for the region unless of course covered and used again. This consists of roadmaps. You will find presently 227 Prophecies that may spawn hanging around.

台長: qiji12
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