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2009-02-18 17:46:58| 人氣100| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Million Dollar Baby

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We’re all confused by the things happened in our life.

We’re not that sure what we want or what we’re exactly doing all the time.

But there’s always a guy, like a guide who will stay with you, side by side.

Till you pass through the barriers or the challenges that life wants you to experience and learn something from it.

Then, you can finally understand what’s that called deserve.



以下,摘錄自﹝Million Dollar Baby


「〝Mo Guishlemeans … my darling, my blood.


Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do.

Cut’s too wide, too close to the bone.

Some wounds are too deep or too close to the bone.

And no matter how hard you work at it, you just can’t stop the bleeding.

台長: Renee
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