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2023-05-30 20:34:16

微笑、揮手:有些系外行星也可能看見咱們 (舊譯文)

Three decades after Cornell astronomer Carl Sagan suggested that Voyager 1 snap Earth’s picture from billions of miles away – resulting in the iconic Pale Blue Dot photograph – two a...

2023-05-30 08:10:34


Antarctica sets the stage for the world’s greatest waterfall. The action takes place beneath the surface of the ocean. Here, trillions of tonnes of cold, dense, oxygen-rich water cascade off the...

2023-05-27 14:15:16

細菌可能提供下一種抗病毒物質 (舊譯文)

Virus-fighting viperins, part of the human immune system, turn out to have bacterial counterparts that might boost the fight against human disease 抗病毒的viperins (一種干擾素誘導的細胞蛋白,是人類免...

2023-05-27 09:27:32

科學家確認解鎖脊椎動物演化的關鍵基因群 (舊譯文)

New University of Colorado Boulder-led research finds that the traits that make vertebrates distinct from invertebrates were made possible by the emergence of a new set of genes 500 million years ago,...

2023-05-26 19:59:39

科學家精確測量宇宙中的物質總量 (舊譯文)

Scientists at the University of California at Riverside have precisely measured the total amount of matter making up the cosmos, concluding that dark energy, the mysterious force speeding up the expan...

2023-05-26 14:43:02

科學家解釋了圍繞獵戶星座三顆恆星的特異行星系結構 (舊譯文)

In our Solar System, the eight planets and many other minor objects orbit in a flat plane around the Sun; but in some distant systems, planets orbit on an incline -- sometimes a very steep one. New wo...

2023-05-26 08:46:06

科學家搜尋一千萬顆星體,沒發現外星人文明的跡象 (舊譯文)

A team of scientists hunting for extraterrestrial civilizations just scanned 10 million stars — and came back with nothing. 一支搜尋地球以外之文明的科學家團隊,剛掃描了1千萬顆星體,卻一無所獲。...

2023-05-25 20:38:02


圖片位址:https://scitechdaily.com/images/Bio-Informed-Responsive-Architecture.jpg?ezimgfmt=ngcb2/notWebP This rendering is an example of the type of bio-informed responsive architecture that a team ...

2023-05-22 09:24:54

研究顯示,爆炸的恆星可能曾導致地球上的大滅絕 (舊譯文)

Imagine reading by the light of an exploded star, brighter than a full moon – it might be fun to think about, but this scene is the prelude to a disaster when the radiation devastates life as we...

2023-05-21 19:56:01

研究確切指出可能曾導致最早有機分子的過程 (舊譯文)

New research led by the American Museum of Natural History and funded by NASA identifies a process that might have been key in producing the first organic molecules on Earth about 4 billion years ago,...

2023-05-21 15:33:56

咱們宇宙中金的真實起源可能已經再次改變 (舊譯文)

When humanity finally detected the collision between two neutron stars in 2017, we confirmed a long-held theory - in the energetic fires of these incredible explosions, elements heavier than iron are ...

2023-05-21 10:39:20

冠狀病毒受體結合的結構機制 (舊譯文)

The spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can adopt at least ten distinct structural states, when in contact with the human virus receptor ACE2, according to research from the Fra...

2023-05-20 20:19:33

於高壓材料中超導性可持續到15°C (舊譯文)

Superconductivity has been observed at temperatures up to 15°C in a hydrogen-rich material under immense pressure – shattering the previous high-temperature record by about 35degrees. 在極大...

2023-05-19 13:57:05


Scientists found a previously unrecognized organelle in fruit flies, a thoroughly studied organism. 於果蠅(一種徹底被研究過的生物)中,科學家們發現了一種,先前未被認知的細胞器。 圖1. 新近被發現的...

2023-05-18 08:23:37

奈米晶體可能驅動爆炸性火山爆發 (舊譯文)

The formation of nanometre-sized crystals can – even in low concentrations – temporarily change the viscosity of magma and lead to violent volcanic eruptions. That is the conclusion of geo...

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