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LPI Level 1 Exam 101

科目編號 : 117-101

科目名稱 : LPI Level 1 Exam 101

相關:LPIC Level 1

117-101 考試是Lpi公司的 LPI Level 1 Exam 101 認證考試官方代號,LPI Level 1 Exam 101 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Lpi 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。

LPIC Level 1認證是業界最廣泛認可的IT技術認證之壹,也是業界最權威、最受尊敬的認證之壹。獲得117-101認證不僅僅能證明您的IT技術能力,更是您進入職場的敲門磚,也是提高您身價的另壹捷徑。



1. What does the command mount a do?

A. It mounts the floppy disk for all users.

B. It shows all mounted file systems.

C. It opens /etc/fstab to edit.

D. It mounts all file systems listed in /etc/fstab.

Answer: D

2. After modifying LILO's configuration file, what command should you run for the changes to take effect?

A. kill HUP `pidof lilo`

B. liloinstall

C. lilo

D. reboot

Answer: C

3. After modifying GRUB's configuration file, what command should you run for the changes to take effect?

A. kill HUP `pidof grub`

B. grubinstall

C. grub

D. no action is required

Answer: D

4.What is the default process priority when a process is started using the nice command?

A. 10

B. 10

C. 20

D. 0

Answer: B

5. You are formatting a single hard disk for a Linux install. What is the maximum number of primary partitions you can create?

Answer: 4 four

6. In order to append the output of ls to a file called bazz, which of the following command lines would you use?

A. ls > bazz

B. ls >& bazz

C. ls &> bazz

D. ls >> bazz

Answer: D



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