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【滿額享折扣】[107美國直購] 沖牙機 黑色 Waterpik ADA Accepted WP-662 Aquarius Water Flosser-刷卡限時購物回饋



今天找到這樣商品[107美國直購] 沖牙機 黑色 Waterpik ADA Accepted WP-662 Aquarius Water Flosser覺得還不錯









About the product

Note 1: It is recommended after every use to empty out any water left in the unit. Flow rate per minute is 400 mL

Note 2: If you are experiencing low pressure, then the Water Flosser should be cleaned. Pulses per minute is 1400

First in category – Waterpik Water Flosser awarded the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance

10 Pressure Settings, 7 Water Flossing Tips, 90 Seconds of Water Capacity.Compatible With 120VAC/60Hz Outlets

Use with 120VAC/60Hz North American outlets. Any warranty will be voided through the sale and use of the product outside North America. Shipment outside of North America is prohibited by Waterpik

From the manufacturer

waterpik, water flosser, oral irrigator, dental water jet, aquarius, wp-662

Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser

周年慶限時購買折扣Our most advanced water flosser ever

Featuring a new compact and contemporary design, the Aquarius includes a Water On/Off switch on the handle, finger-tip easy pressure control, and push-button power with convenient LED mode display. The all new 1-minute timer and 30-second pacer take the guess work out of flossing.

Tested and trusted

Tested and trusted, it is the first product in its class accepted by the American Dental Association (ADA). The Aquarius Water Flosser cleans deep between teeth and below the gumline where traditional brushing and flossing can't reach. All it takes is one minute a day for a cleaner, fresher, and healthier mouth. And it's a perfect oral irrigator system for anyone with braces, implants, crowns, or periodontal pockets.

Superior oral irrigator technology

A unique combination of dental water jet pressure and pulsations cleans deep between teeth and below the gumline, removing harmful bacteria and debris that traditional brushing, air flossing, and string flossing can’t reach.

Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser

3 Classic Jet Tips

1 Plaque Seeker Tip

1 Pik Pocket Tip

找信用卡刷卡購買優惠1 Orthodontic Tip

1 Toothbrush Tip

waterpik, water flosser, oral irrigator, dental water jet, wp-662, aquarius

Water Control On Handle

Control water flow with the convenient on/off feature in the handle.

oral irrigator plaque removal

oral irrigator implant care

oral irrigator braces care

oral irrigator gum health

Effective Plaque Removal

Clinically proven to remove up to 99.9% of plaque from treated areas.

For more information about the clinical study you can contact the official customer service or visit the official website.

Essential for Implants哪個最便宜

Up to 2X as effective for improving gum health around implants vs. string floss.

Superior Cleaning Around Braces

Up to 3X as effective for removing plaque around braces vs. string floss.

Healthier Gums in Just 14 Days

Up to 50% more effective for improving gum health vs. string floss. Results Guaranteed.

Which Tip Is Best For You?

The Aquarius comes with 3 Classic Jet Tips, 1 Toothbrush Tip, 1 Plaque Seeker Tip, 1 Orthodontic Tip, and 1 Pik Pocket Tip. Check out the chart for more details.

Product details

Color: Black秒購商品

Product Dimensions: 6.6 x 6.6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds


UPC: 073950222174

Item model number: WP-662





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