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過 往 機 構 要 聘 請 一 個 文 員 ﹐ 又 或 是 一 個 有 外 國 經 驗 的 員 工 ﹐ 均 要 去 信 署 方 要 求 審 批 ﹐ 以 一 百 八 十 六 個 受 資 助 機 構 ﹐ 涉 及 員 工 達 二 萬 七 千 人 來 說 ﹐ 社 署 要 處 理 大 量 這 類 行 政 工 作 。


In the olden days, if an organization needed to engage a clerk or foreign experienced staff, it must request the Department to be approved in writing. Therefore, in term of 186 funded institutions, involving up to 27,000 employees, the Department had to deal with a huge number of administrative works. 在昔日,如果一個機構需要聘請一名文員或有外國經驗的員工,必需書面要求署方審批。因此,以186個受資助機構,涉及員工達27000名,該部需要處理了大量的行政工作。 chk_223: 你的翻譯在文法上有很多錯誤呢。 例如: are going to => 此文章要用過去式 Department approval letter =.> 這三個字都是名詞,句子錯誤了 Department to To deal => 不能重複 to



< async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"> In the past agencies to hire a clerk or a foreign experienced staff are going to request the Department approval letter to 186 funded institutions, involving up to 27,000 people, employees, the Social Welfare Department to To deal with such a large number of administrative work.|||||In the past agencies to hire a clerk or a foreign experienced staff are going to request the Department approval letter to 186 funded institutions, involving up to 27,000 people, employees, the Social Welfare Department to To deal with such a large number of administrative work.|||||In the past agencies to hire a clerk or a foreign experienced staff are going to request the Department approval letter to 186 funded institutions, involving up to 27,000 people, employees, the Social Welfare Department to To deal with such a large number of administrative work.4E350C6F8B48ECA2

台長: nzphddr
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