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【刷卡享回饋】BeSafe Child Car Seat iZi Plus X1 網路購物開箱文

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BeSafe Child Car Seat iZi Plus X1網路購物開箱文 設計式樣: Sunset Mélange · 2019

With two new features, the BeSafe iZi Plus X1 rear-facing child car seat provides your child with even more safety and comfort as compared to its predecessor iZi Plus.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0 + / I / II

  • Suitable from about 6 months up to approx. 5 years

  • Suitable for children with a weight from 0 to 25 kg

Conforms to the standard:

  • ECE R44 / 044

The expert iZi Plus X1 for rear-facing safety can look back to a whopping 30 years of BeSafe rear-facing driving experience. The BeSafe rear-facing child car seat does not require Isofix and can therefore be installed in almost all cars simply by using the car's own 3-point belt.

The seat reducer with new additional padding allows you to use this child car seat from an early point as there are special foam inserts that provide your little one with sufficient stability and even more comfort. Its extra-long backrest and weight capacity of up to 25 kg ensure an outstanding service life of 5 years. Even older children will benefit from sufficient space thanks to smoothly adjustable legroom.

The latest generation of the additional side impact protection (SIP+) absorbs up to 20% of the forces that occur in the event of a side crash and is to be attached to that side of the child car seat that faces the door. As a pure rear-facing car seat with built-in side impact protection in the seat shell and the headrest, the BeSafe iZi Plus X1 is proven to be 5 times safer.

The BeSafe child safety seat features three resting positions and offers your little passenger excellent seating comfort - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of a little nap in between times. Your child is fastened by using the padded 5-point harness. Thanks to the特價商品便宜 magnetic belt assistant, your child can be put comfortably in the seat without the straps getting in the way.

High-quality, durable, safe and comfortable features - the izi Plus X1 grows with your child and allows you to transport both the smallest and tallest toddlers alike.


  • Rear-Facing safety from approx. 6 months up to approx. 5 years

  • Successor of the user favourite iZi Plus

  • Installation via car's own 3-point belt

  • SIP+, up to 20% more safety in a side impact

  • Seat reducer with foam inserts

  • Smoothly adaptable legroom

  • 3 resting positions

  • High seating position in the car

  • Cover can be machine washed

  • Magnetic belt assistant

  • Partly suspended installation with steep backseat of car

  • Weight: 12 kg

  • Dimensions: T 65 x W 45 x H 56 cm




BeSafe Child Car Seat iZi Plus X1






與祖文特斯簽約4年 威爾斯國腳藍西轉戰義甲

(法新社米蘭11日電) 義甲龍頭祖文特斯今天表示,它們已與英超兵工廠隊中場藍西(Aaron Ramsey)簽下一紙4年合約,讓藍西轉會到祖文特斯。


藍西2008年7月投效兵工廠,過去10年來在英超出賽256場,攻入38顆進球,幫球隊拿過3次英格蘭足總盃冠軍(FA Cup)。


詹姆斯入主湖人 再掀NBA抱團風

(中央社記者龍柏安台北2日電)美國職籃(NBA)自由市場今天開市,湖人在開市第1天就確定網羅最大尾的「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)後,又接連火速敲定和史蒂芬生與麥吉兩名自由球員。

今天NBA最重磅的消息,就是「詹皇」詹姆斯以4年1.54億美元(約新台幣47億元)入主湖人,成為「紫金軍團」新一哥,在他加盟湖人消息公布後沒多久,接著包括印地安那溜馬搖擺人史蒂芬生(Lance Stephenson)以及金州勇士隊中鋒麥吉(JaVale McGee)都決定帶槍投靠,儼然替NBA再掀一波抱團風。

根據美國雅虎報導,湖人以1年450萬美元和史蒂芬生達成了口頭協議,而ESPN記者海恩斯(Chris Haynes)則在推特上透露,麥吉也與湖人達成協議,不過合約細節並未透露。



至於體能條件優異的麥吉,場上經常發生一些無厘頭舉動,讓人啼笑皆非,美國電視台也特別製作了一個專門挖苦NBA球員在場上鬧笑話的搞笑節目俠客烏龍球(Shaqtin' A Fool),麥吉經常榜上有名,後來他甚至火大槓上這個節目。(編輯:吳協昌)1070702

BeSafe Child Car Seat iZi Plus X1

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