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2007-10-12 13:37:44
2007-10-01 13:06:14


祝: 考试顺利! 早睡早起! Enjoy your PMR examination. Try all your best. I will support you and bless you. After the examination, maybe we can have a ......... Anyway, wish you good luck,...

2007-09-30 23:32:28


When writing formal letters, you have to take note of the following:- -- the punctuation marks(标点符号) inthe address, date, greeting, etc. -- Leave a line after every paragraph. ...

2007-09-30 22:48:30

Points of writing friendly letter( 必备)

Points on writing a friendly letter. When writing a friendly letter, you should pay attention to the following points:- 1. Read the questions and understand what is required (need ) to write. 2....

2007-07-31 23:55:10

language forms and functions

1) to accept ------- Thanks for the invitation (接受) Yes,I would like a drink. 2) to accuse-------- You did it! (控告) You took the money 3) to admit-------- ...

2007-07-31 23:27:35


1) A stone’s throw--------- a short distance 2) at the eleventh hour---- at the last minute 3) bad company------------- friends who are not of good character 4) burn the midnight oil--- ...

2007-07-09 21:10:04


层级看过那么一个成功的故事. 山田, 一位日本马拉松赛的选手. 他曾经参加1984年的东京国际马拉松邀请赛及1986年的意大利国际邀请赛中夺下冠军而倍受注目. 众所周知,马拉松赛是讲究体力与耐力,爆发力与速度乃是其次...

2007-07-09 01:09:46


3618 可说是我今年的幸运号码. 中了万字?? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO....... 这可是两组号码加起来的. 36 乃是三红的总人数. 排座位时,横排直排都是6, 简直是美,美,美!!! 36 乃是完美的我们! 记得两个月前左右...

2007-07-08 15:15:37


犹记得当初要设计今年的班服时,对于背后的韩文很有意见.但是”创作人”又有他/她们的见解,说什么那是”完美的我们”的意思.问他们韩文如何念时,他们又念不出. 最后还是我让步了.为的是尊重”创作精神”,为的是既然放...

2007-06-25 00:55:53


半夜醒来,头重重,很痛. 早上醒来,头更重,更加痛! 糟糕! 发烧了,病了,病了,,,,,, 今天是大日子,怎能生病呢? 今天是3RE拍大头照的大日子,我怎能请病假呢? 今天是3RE第一次的Dictation,我怎能请病假,让他们白读呢?...

2007-06-18 20:04:48

So Lame!

今天上三红的课时,讲了一句so lame, 孩子们都笑了. 原来我偷用了里面的一句话. 刚刚我就开了这部戏来看.看到后面部分的画面,杰利的妈妈手上拿着的小棒子突然变成藤条时,我简直感触良多. 我的家总共有五条那么多,而只...

2007-06-18 19:28:51


;为了赶上潮流,匆匆忙忙的学人设立部落格,连台长名字也是乱改一轮. 我决定等我上手了之后,会为自己改一个比较得体的名字. 本人在电脑方面是属于白痴一族,所以日后请多多指教.

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