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2006-12-14 20:30:00| 人氣20| 回應0

An Australian citizen.........

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An Australian citizen for about ten years by now, I have been to some countries; Switzerland, France, Hong Kong, Japan, and later Australia, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Fiji since preparing migration to Australia. I lived in Perth, Melbourne, Gold Coast and Brisbane of Australia for 10 years. There are so many beautiful places in the world...

Ultimately I need someone to go to gym or swimming together as well, toning our living into better shape til we are old but compatibility is rather important before making commitments so we could be all happy in the long run...

I am easy going, from a good family, open minded with a little humourous kinky twist "privately"... And I respect women, maybe to the extent like Italians respect mama... Material-wise, a hybrid of Timberland/No Frills person whom appreciate Yohji/Armani and simultaneously Banana Republic taste; a strange fusion? Spiritually, shall we visit Parthenon someday?

台長: Os
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