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2007-05-08 21:55:32| 人氣143| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

what lawmakers do in Taiwan

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I can’t believe what I just saw...

In our office, we have several TVs on the hall way
And on my way to pantry, I heard the reporter said,
“Next, look what the lawmakers do in TAIWAN”
I was curious so I stopped
Then they showed a bunch of people who are fighting, jumping on the table, yelling and throwing water at each other
I was stunned...
it’s so FREAKING embarrassing!!!!

Can you guys do something productive to the country???!!!

This is not low class. This is NO CLASS at all!!

I don’t hear much news about Taiwan on CCN
But I don’t want to see any news like this either!!!!

what a bunch of useless lawmakers!

台長: Irene
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they think this is how they show people they really &quotwork hard&quot
2007-05-09 19:01:29
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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