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2006-01-05 12:54:30


Fred 再過兩天就回來了 其實我很開心 但是也很難過 他這幾天心情有點低落 他雖然沒說什麼 但是從電話裡的聲音聽起來 真的不太好 我好心疼他的感覺 因為我知道要離開心愛的人真的不容易 加上不知道會不會...

2006-01-02 11:34:35


2006 的第一天 I thought about going to see a movie The movie theater was packed!!! I guess there’s really nothing going on Lots of stores are close today So people chose to go to theaters Th...

2006-01-01 14:50:43

welcome 2006

今年的New Year Eve 原本想到 Time Square 去倒數 但是畢竟我還是沒有勇氣去站8 個小時以上還不能上廁所 加上,今天下午居然下起大雪,恩哼,身體不適, 所以,在距離新的一年還剩下一個小時 我點了香精蠟燭 ...

2005-12-31 13:26:23

stick with you...

這幾天每天都跟你講超過一個小時的電話 因為你在台灣 我不知道你想了這麼多 我不知道你已經為我們舖下了一條路 當你asked me for help you want to meet my parents in person and suddenly, you told me all ...

2005-12-29 13:21:09


有些過去的事情 曾經很在意 現在真的已經離我遠去 以前的野心很大 在意的事情很多 想要什麼都照著我的想像前進 當天空開闊之後 反到縮小了我的focus 很多事情反到不在意了 我只想make sure 我愛的人可以...

2005-12-28 12:33:40

come back home

baby, I miss you so much!!! come back home!!!

2005-12-24 04:11:38

random thoughts from subway strike

After three days of the subway strike The union finally asked all the MTA employees went back to their work It really became a joke to me I couldn’t understand why they went on strike to show how ...

2005-12-08 02:59:37

fortune cookie

This is the funniest one I’ve ever read in fortune cookie: “One must kiss a few frogs before Prince Charming comes along.” In fortune cookie??? COOL!!!

2005-11-26 06:14:29


轉錄:馨宜的文章 – 「有沒有幸福這首歌」新聞台 馨宜,妳真的有寫出我的心情 我一看到這篇文章 馬上就哭了.... 事情的表面似乎很美,但是妳看到了我的矛盾 I’m really glad that I have all of you. **...

2005-11-25 23:59:48

Atlanta training - Oct.31 ~ Nov. 3

The training was FUN!! People about my age from different offices We went there in the name of “Training” We did have very productive schedule But, who can stand with the hotel food for four...

2005-11-01 02:59:45

flying again

Recently, I’ve been thinking about this What’s the best way to describe my life? I know I get pressure from work I dreamed a lot, and it’s all work related Even Fred knows, because I kept talki...

2005-10-19 03:40:53


passion along is not enough someone has to be fanatic about doing it right

2005-10-10 09:57:18


怎麼覺得才把夏天衣服搬出來沒多久 一下子又要換冬天的衣服了 其實我上個禮拜就準備要搬冬天衣服出來了 只是一直懶 懶的換衣櫃的衣服 是衣服太多嗎? 根本是衣櫃太小了!!!! 不過我喜歡秋天 天氣一變 ...

2005-10-09 11:02:03

sweetheart baby

I believe I’m dating the sweetest guy in Manhattan I really didn’t feel that excited about my birthday this year So I didn’t even have plan on my birthday Since Fred had a function to go And...

2005-09-21 09:44:17


今天收到房東的租約 這已經是第三份租約了 表示我住在這邊在過不久就要滿兩年 這個暑假過去 感覺週遭的人事物改變了好多 日子變的不太一樣了 從南部來的小孩 到大城市紐約 過去兩年已經覺得自己已經脫了...

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