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【3C電腦!限時下殺】[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]


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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]



Master Basic Skills: Discover magical places with Dora and pick up preschool basics, such as pre-reading, pre-math, colors and shapes along the way.

Explore & Learn: Seven interactive games help children master fundamental skills in an engaging environment.

Read & Sing: Children learn letters, phonics and word families and improve their memory and creative skills.

Developmental Categories: Language, Reading, Math, Counting, Matching, Memory, Music, Reflexes, Basic Spanish, Puzzle Solving, and more.

Awards & Prizes: Explore the Crystal Kingdom and earn rewards along the way.

Product Description

Dora is the top rated preschool phenomenon that develops essential skills. With seven interactive games, Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom educates, inspires, and prepares your child for preschool. Join Dora and her friends Allie and Boots on a magical adventure to the Crystal Kingdom and get a delightful introduction to the fundamental skills of early reading, math, language, problem solving, and creativity along the way. Designed for Preschoolers ages 2-5, Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom teaches colors, shapes, counting, matching, patterns, letters, words, music, memory, basic Spanish, computer skills, and more. Multiple skill levels allow children to grow and build self confidence.

Dora is the top rated preschool phenomenon that develops essential skills. With seven interactive games, Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom educates, inspires, and prepares your child for preschool. Join Dora and her friends Allie and Boots on a magical adventure to the Crystal Kingdom and get a delightful introduction to the fundamental skills of early reading, math, language, problem solving, and creativity along the way. Designed for Preschoolers ages 2-5, Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom teaches colors, shapes, counting, matching, patterns, letters, words, music, memory, basic Spanish, computer skills, and more. Multiple skill levels allow children to grow and build self confidence.

Learn Essential Skills on Dora's Magical Adventure

Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom includes 7 interactive games that educate, inspire and prepare your child for preschool.

Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom Develops:

Preschool Basics: Pre-reading, pre-math, colors and shapes

Creative Skills: Music, art, imagination, discovery, and curiosity

Physical Development: Hand-eye coordination, puzzle-solving and more

Language Skills: Letters, word families, phonics, vocabulary & basic Spanish

Cognitive Ability: Memory, perception, and problem-solving

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces


Item model number: 40867

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]


據美國媒體報導,前白宮國家安全顧問佛林除了涉及「通俄門」遭調查外,美國特別檢察官穆勒也在調查佛林父子是否曾與土耳其官員接觸,商討要把流亡美國的土國伊斯蘭教士古倫(Fethullah Gulen)驅逐回國,換取上千萬美元的報酬。

全國廣播公司(NBC)新聞網及《華爾街日報》10日報導,穆勒正調查川普去年當選總統後的數星期,佛林與土耳其高級官員的一次會面。據稱這次會面商討到川普上任後,佛林將設法把土耳其總統艾爾多安的政敵古倫驅逐回土國,並協助與艾爾多安有關連的伊朗土耳其裔商人薩拉布(Reza Zarrab)自獄中獲釋,換取多達1500萬美元的報酬。上述兩媒體引述多名熟悉穆勒調查的人士,作此報導。穆勒現正調查川普競選團隊是否有人與俄羅斯勾結。消息人士透露,穆勒近來也訊問多名證人,要了解2016年12月土耳其官員與佛林在紐約時髦的「21俱樂部」會面情況。報導說,商討細節包括如何暗中以私人飛機將古倫送往土耳其伊姆拉勒島(又稱監獄島,Imrali)。《華爾街日報》說,根據建議,把古倫交回土耳其政府後,佛林和兒子小佛林(Michael Flynn Jr.),將獲得高達1500萬美元。但該報表示,目前並不清楚該建議的進展程度,亦無跡象顯示有付過款。佛林的律師則稱,有關指摘荒誕及謬誤。CNN法律分析家札爾丁(Michael Zeldin)指出,若佛林父子經證明確實打算收受外國資金「綁架」古倫,將是違反美國刑法的重罪,最高可判刑20年。土耳其當局指控伊斯蘭教士古倫為去年土國流產政變的幕後黑手。古倫先前在土耳其遭控叛國後,1999年自我流放到美國,此後在賓州過著隱居生活。薩拉布則是伊朗出生的土耳其人,去年3月在佛州邁阿密遭逮捕,被控協助伊朗規避美方制裁。(中國時報)

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom [Old Version]


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