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2005-06-16 13:09:40| 人氣80| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

just to remind myself, none of ur bussiness...2

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Student roaster in Grad Show

Dear students,
Please be informed that we have to provide student helpers on duty in the Grad Show other from the T-shirt workshop. The duty and student list is as follows:

Bo Bo and Yuen accompany with VIP to vist the show
23 June 4:00pm CEC Hall 2A
report to Wood Wong and attend a briefing at 3:00pm in Rm 118A & B on 20 June

Ruth, Wendy, Celia and Mak Tak Yan in the Award Winner, Alumni & UCE display
23 June 4:30-7:30pm CEC Hall 2A
report to Raymond Pang

Po + 4students, Yuen + 4 students in Alumni, Award Winner & UCE area
24 June 9:45am -2:00pm CEC Hall 2A
report to Jackson

Please feedback to me by e-mail if you are available. Thanks.


台長: *mmi
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