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2008-05-13 20:06:13

Wealthy hit in Rudd’s First Budget

Treasurer Wayne Swan delivered the Rudd government’s first budget. (AAP) By Maria Hawthorne Wealthy families are the losers under the first Labor federal budget in 13 years, with means testing ...

2007-11-24 23:00:52

Rudd becomes PM as Howard loses govt

Labor leader Kevin Rudd became Australia’s 26th prime minister as voters across the nation swept John Howard from power and likely dumped him from his Sydney seat. The political career of Australi...

2007-11-24 22:51:34

Kevin Rudd is Australia’s new prime minister

By ninemsn staff and wires Labor leader Kevin Rudd has talked of ”writing a new page in our nation’s history” as he accepted the mantle of Australia’s 26th prime minister. ”Today Australia...

2007-11-12 17:47:09

Are You Secretly Sexy?

Yes, guys like pretty faces and hot bodies. But sometimes your less obvious traits can be even more alluring. By Richard Rys Blondes? We love them. Brunettes, redheads, and anything in between a...

2007-11-12 08:24:25

Population to take Melbourne past Sydney

(Melbourne City, Australia) Melbourne is closing the population gap on Sydney and may soon take the title of Australia’s largest city, according to a new study. Population growth in Melbourne ...

2007-02-25 18:54:41

Howard’s pin-up babe

文/The Daily Telegraph (February 24, 2007)  MEET the potential wife of Prime Minister John Howard’s eldest son Tim. In news expected to raise dad’s eyebrows over at Kirribilli House, the Sat...

2007-02-25 18:44:43

不環保 澳洲禁用傳統燈泡

文/編譯呂理甡/聯合報 為抑制溫室效應氣體排放,澳洲將在三年內逐步禁用傳統白熱燈泡。 英國衛報報導,澳洲環境部長滕布爾廿日說,一百廿五年來幾乎沒有改變的黃色白熱燈泡,將在二○○九年全面被小型的省...

2006-12-12 12:34:08

Immigration policy not race-based: PM

Tuesday Dec 12 A new citizenship test for migrants is not a step towards reintroducing a racially discriminatory immigration policy, Prime Minister John Howard says. Mr Howard has announced mig...

2006-12-05 17:44:51

Gen Y women driven by money and power

The new generation of female entrepreneurs want money and power according to new research from Queensland University of Technology, which reveals women aged 18 to 27 are driven by financial rewards an...

2006-07-13 12:31:28


船屋附載的獨木舟可以延伸遊河的腳步,河上日出日落任一時光都有美景 提起澳洲,台灣觀光客的印象總多是雪梨歌劇院、黃金海岸、袋鼠,再加一個凱恩斯和大堡礁的大石斑。其實這一片南十字星下的「島嶼大陸」,面...

2006-07-13 12:31:27

南澳:慢遊南澳 閒情3重奏

老電車的噹噹聲響徹阿德雷街區,充滿懷舊情調 南澳人的生活步調就一個「慢」字,阿德雷城區幾乎聽不到煩躁的喇叭聲。這樣安靜的城市,散步是最棒的體驗方式。 來到澳洲南部,感覺就是「慢」。 站在首府...

2006-07-13 12:31:25

Costello goes quiet on leadership

Thursday Jul 13 13:01 AEST Treasurer Peter Costello has finally decided to stop talking about the leadership - refusing to answer questions about it at a press conference in Melbourne. Two day...

2006-06-30 03:32:45

墨爾本 流行時尚走著瞧

文/何雅玲 綠樹成蔭的街道、摩登現代的建築、洋溢英倫風情的商城、便捷舒適的交通網路,讓墨爾本在國際上贏得「購物之都」的美名。不管是走在流行尖端設計的服飾,或是自然原始的居家保養用品,甚至融合多元化...

2006-06-30 03:31:27

南澳:袋鼠島 讓遊客驚喜連連

南澳遊程總常從阿德雷開步,耳邊最常聽到的總是一句話「好可愛」,指的是南澳特產的動物,袋鼠、企鵝、海獅、甚至連高大的鴯鶓也憨得可愛。 阿德雷市區附近的野生動物園,收羅有南澳特產的多種鳥類、水獺、袋獾、...

2006-06-27 15:31:24

Start 2010 World Cup planning now: Guus

Tuesday Jun 27 15:39 AEST Scott Chipperfield (R) came close to putting Australia on the board after 31 minutes, but from close range fired straight at Italian keeper Gianluigi Buffon (L). (Picture: J...

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