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2017-11-21 17:44:47

How to reduce your stomach quickly

How to quickly reduce the stomach problem has plagued many women, don't know better exercise and diet laid hands on him, small make up to you to introduce how thin belly, let you can also have a flat ...

2015-02-09 11:24:05

If life never meet, I'll never worry about a distant people

If life never meet, I won't believe, there is a person can never tire, there is one kind of people one knows to feel warm. Who can't meet, guess why? How could I deeply appreciate what ocean is far, w...

2015-01-22 12:00:59


時光的輪回 花開時相聚,花落時別離,都是些自然的事。不管何時,相逢總是會讓人感到高興和歡愉。無論何地,別離也總是會讓人感到憂傷和淒冷。正如我喜歡的那句話:你走,我不送你,你來,無論風雨多大,我都接你...

2015-01-16 12:15:33



2015-01-15 10:29:49

Heart, only sun and poetry

- how many love, can stay for you? Come and go between, how exactly through the years? For whom I lonely, who will be for me? Bloom season, hastily dressed who mood? Some of the mind wander, still i...

2015-01-15 09:55:49

Not you seek not to

You cherish a person, must be touched; you give up a person, must be disappointed. Look at the people can not see the surface, time will reveal; products not goods traveling, trouble only see the trut...

2015-01-06 16:54:16


朔風已將蔥郁的樹葉盡數帶回,只等枝條上開出雪白的小花來裝扮這冬天獨有的銀白。我知道冬天已然來到。Flowers like snow, falling dust But the most beautiful red sunset Hold the hand of the autumn, and aut...

2014-12-17 17:14:47

Held the wipe lonely

At night, I stood at the window alone, is the lush foliage scattered mottled moonlight sprinkled on me. The balcony, shadowy figure is the orange light pull more prolate. Cool breeze, like wings like...

2014-12-12 14:25:57


壹直是喜歡花的,但不喜歡開的太過絢麗的,喜歡開的清清爽爽的那種,就如野菊花,總是在無人的角落裏,安靜的開著,這壹簇,那壹簇,不濃不淡,開得剛剛好。 做壹朵素雅的小花兒,安靜的開在山坡上,不取悅於誰,也...

2014-12-11 12:31:11



2014-11-17 16:35:58

erf en geurend brood in de oven

erf en geurend brood in de oven “Psycho-killer, qu’ est-ce que c’est”. Dat was een van de eerste tweets die ik van PJ las. Ik zong natuurlijk virtueel luidkeels mee. En luisterend naar de muziekf...

2014-11-05 15:34:43


因為有妳,使我生命不在沈淪。 因為有妳,使我從新認定方向。 文章推薦:青春是散落在地上的光斑 我心裏有過您 誰爲誰點了誰的桃花扇 父親往事 屬於我那24年的青春 真愛在深秋 我一直在路上 虛榮心原來人皆...

2014-11-04 17:11:22


我們的故事很美,美的讓人不願醒來。 沈浸在有妳的世界久久不願醒來,生怕打破這份屬於我的回憶,終究敵不過時間的流逝,歲月的斑駁。如同蒲公英看似自由,卻身不由己。 故事只屬於兩個人的回憶,他人無從知曉。 ...

2014-10-30 17:38:44



2014-10-28 16:41:56


秋雨蕭蕭,秋葉翩翩,秋陽暖暖,秋月瑯瑯,秋風瑟瑟,秋思淡淡,秋夢淺淺,秋愁點點。 這個秋,近乎唐突。抑或是性情大變。硬生生把人們從炎炎夏日拖入秋的懷抱。來就來吧,妳還這麽理直氣壯,勢不可擋。 不知季節...

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