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2012-12-03 17:21:28| 人氣7| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

when abroad

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Before going abroad, I thought it would be easy to study English with an English-speaking environment. However, except children, it's difficult for adults to eliminate the language barrier? No wonder many of the old overseas Chinese' English is not that good.



In China, we often see such advocacy: certain traditional food is exported to the world's five continents, and deeply loved by people of all countries. In fact, the vast majority of these foods only are in the Chinese supermarket which is mainly sold to the Chinese. Instead, foreigners buy those occasionally.



Domestic people have some kind of misunderstanding: when abroad, we will make foreign friends, contact the Western culture and ate Western food....... In fact, apart from rare Chinese cities and towns, and living on campus, or marrying a foreigner, in the center cities, the scope of your life to a large extent is in the Chinese community.



According to my rough calculation, during the six years abroad I had been engaged in no less than 10 careers, from the fast-food restaurant waiter to the casino dealers, from Chinese teachers to telephone salesman, from the Morning News to send pizza delivery, from the assembly line workers to the company a small staff of ... ... I frequently did the identity transformation, and my professional attributes varied accordingly,然後它就會成為神. It may be strange to me at first, but not to the new immigrants.



The domestic press frequently reported in the past that how certain "overseas person" gave up superior living abroad including cars, houses, and resolutely returned to China and so on. Originally in foreign countries, as long as you are working, car and houses are for everyone.



The domestic media is the tongue, out of reach,coach2013夢幻新款目錄; in foreign newspapers, television is a private, open and transparent agency. So here's the news media we do, for everyone to see, chances are there that you may become the focus.



In the home, you won't see the dentist until there is something wrong with them. You usually do not care about them. Also many people use their teeth to bite open the beer bottle. After going abroad, you will discover that westerners white teeth, resembling a row of bead.

在國內,什麼時候牙痛了才去看牙醫,平時基本不在乎,许多人都有用牙咬開啤酒瓶蓋的“好汉壯舉&rdquo,鬼洗 超級潮形象;。出了國發現西人的一口白牙,似排珠,賽玉貝,偺們真是相形見絀,“難於啟齒”,所以花血汗讓下一代必定愛護好自己的“門面”。


I have seen Canada Governor Adrienne Clarkson on the Toronto Avenue. Besides the two sturdy male following five meters away, Governor Wu and the husband are strolling just like common people. In some situations, shaking hands or taking a photo with the mayor, governor, congressman, is also not difficult.



The domestic person thought that we in overseas certainly have some westerner friends. But in fact it is not so. It is difficult to develop deep level contact with foreigners for language difference, and also cultural barrier.



It is common for scholars to be a blue collar in overseas. I used to see India's doctor of philosophy being a taxi driver, an Eastern Europe's musician doing the repair, Chinese computer engineer working as the meat producer.



台長: 維吉爾
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