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2004-05-30 08:26:02| 人氣43| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[ Homework:Journal ] I will get ten pound!

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[ Homework:Journal ] I will get ten pound!

I think my weight will add ten pounds when I leave PEI,because I eat too much everyday........

I went to the "The Pilot House" for supper with classmates last Friday,I ate two lobsters in Joans homestay last Saturday evening. I had a trip to East Point and I order too much foods for eatinmg,but I still eat too much this week.

I went to Joans homestay for supper this Tuesday,We made a lot of steamed dumplings to eat . Besides,Joan's homestay mother prepared plentiful foods for us,too. Then I went to Joan's homestay again on Wednesday,because we planned a party for Doris who will leave Canada. I think I had to stop have another supper party.but I went to Chear's homestay to cook,because we had to prepar Taiwan Foods for activities lesson.So, I ate too much again,because Chear's homestay mother prepared very delicious foods for me. Then I couldn't stop eating,because there were a lot of foods in activities lesson on Friday.

I'm very worried about my weight now. I think I will get fat if I can't stop eating so much.

台長: 仙姑
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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