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2011-09-11 12:50:00 | 人氣120| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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SISTAR & KWill show their support for Boyfriend on “M! Pick”

Earlier this week, Starship Entertainment‘s six-member boy group, Boyfriend, released teasers for their cable variety show on Mnet’s “M! Pick.”

The boys began filming just a day before their debut, and was met with the support of label mate senior, K-Will, who personally made a surprise visit to the film set alongside SISTAR‘s Bora, Soyou and DasomHyorin was unfortunately unable to make it due to her schedule for “Immortal Song 2.

Filming ran from 5 PM to 8 PM, and despite the group having yet to even make their debut, fans were already bustling outside of the set, demonstrating the boys’ popularity.

Netizens commented, “All six are so adorable”, “Are we finally going to see K-Will’s backdancers now?”, and “I’ve been waiting for their debut!”

The boys will be debuting through Mnet’s “M! Countdown” on May 26th with the support of Brave Brothers and DQ.

台長: lanza09746
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