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2002-05-05 05:24:15| 人氣9| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

*Snow White 的歷史*

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從小的我就對童話故事 倍感興趣
記得小時候去tokyo Disneyland
snow white的ride

‘’Snow White’’ was written by Jacob&Willhelm Grimm
this story is well-known in several area from Ireland
to Aisa Minor
and also parts of North and West Africa.

This story was basic on a folk call’’Pentamernoe’’
This folk was talking about a pretty girl called Lisa.
She also has a crystal coffin. Lisa is pretty and charming since she was born, but at the age of 6. she was found dead by the servants. The family were so upset but did not bear to bury her.
So they made her a crystal coffin.
Years after,Lisa grow taller and also the coffin's length.
One day a woman who just married LIsa's uncle find Lisa's body in a locked room. The family never talked about Lisa's death,
of cause the woman never knew this beautiful girl is her husband's neice instead she thought her husband is having an affair with this girl. The woman was so jealous that she open the coffin and trying to chock Lisa.
奇蹟的, 反而Lisa起死回生...
and they live happily after....

The first copy of ''Snow Drop''
was from German. written in
the KInder und Haus-Marchen
collected by M.M. Grimm, from
Oral Tradition.
其中幾點不同 first of all,
when the queen told her servant to
kill snow white, she asked for snow white's hreat in return.we all know the servant did not kill snow white and bought back a boar's hreat. The queen salted the hreat and ate it (Sneewitchen)
Second of all, at the end of the story, the queen crime explosed. the king made her a iron slippers which were hot and heated. And the queen was forced to put them on and dance untill she drop dead. As
we can see the first story was quite unpleasant.

In 1823, Walt Disney came up with a beautiful story. ''Sonw White.''

Bio=> The classic fairy tales
by Lona&Peter Opis
published Oxford Universiy
first copy in 1974.....<=

''Tell me glass, tell me ture!
of all the ladies in the land
Who is the fairest? tell me who''

台長: Kyoko
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