這幾天看到Alvi 自然色移動嬰兒床Birthe 組合,含 Vlies床墊、床幔架
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Alvi Set - Bassinet "Birthe", natural-coloured, including Fleece Mattress and Canopy Rod 2018
The Alvi Bassinet Set is the ideal equipment for a comfortable and cosy sleep
推薦產品送禮推薦 right from the very first day on.
The set consists of the bassinet "Birthe", a canopy rod and a fleece mattress.
The Alvi bassinet "Birthe" provides your little one with a cuddly spot and is a popular place to sleep in during baby's first months. The hand woven bassinet comes with a lying surface of 80 x 46 cm and guarantees long-term use. Furthermore, this spacious bassinet is equipped with four little lockable wheels which enable you to move it into other rooms without waking up your child - this way, you can always have an eye on your tiny human.
By adding more comfortability, the dreamlike canopy rod by Alvi transforms your child's bassinet into the most cosy and romantic spot. This way, your little one will feel safe right from the very first day on. The rod can be installed easily by pushing it into the headboard of the bassinet. It is suitable for all basket-like bassinets that have canopies with a drawstring.
Matching the needs of your little one perfectly, the Alvi mattress fleece is most comfortable and contributes to bassinet's feature of letting your little one fall asleep gently. The mattress is equipped with a breathable core made of fleece that guarantees good ventilation as well as optimum CO²-removal.
- Natural-coloured bassinet "Birthe"
- Lying surface: 80 x 46 cm
- Including canopy rod
- Including fleece mattress for good ventilation and optimum CO²-removal
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日前曾有消息指出Google計劃在今年10月4日揭曉新款Pixel 3在內新品消息後,Twitter上也跟著出現疑似實際盒裝的Pixel 3 XL影片內容出現,顯示新機將會採用有點明顯的「瀏海」造型。(圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook 根據Twitter用戶@Luchkov所釋出影片內容,顯示此次釋出的盒裝版本實際上還是處於設計驗證階段,意味接下來將會進入生產驗證階段,代表實際市售版本腳步已經近了。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }
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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 而從實際設計來看,Pixel 3 XL確實如先前曝光消息採用具備「瀏海」造型螢幕,甚至「瀏海」形式還比一般採相同設計機種更加明顯。至於Pixel 3 XL到時候是否能透過手動方式遮蔽「瀏海」,目前暫時還無法確認,從先前Google回應說法表示將會由OEM廠商自行決定是否提供此類選項,否則一般情況下並不會特別提供。至於背面則採用過往Pixel系列機種設計語言,同樣透過光亮、打霧設計將背面分做兩個區塊,主相機則仍維持單一鏡頭設計,並未特別跟進採用雙鏡頭模組,代表Google依然希望藉由軟體 + 硬體運算方式達成雙鏡頭拍攝效果。目前暫時還無法確定Pixel 3系列機種具體推出時間,僅透露可能選在10月4日揭曉新機,同時也可能進一步更新新款Pixel Buds、Google Home,以及Pixelbook 2,而台灣今年是否會跟進推出Pixel 3系列手機,暫時也還無法確認。(圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook (圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook (圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook (圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook (圖/擷取自Android Police網站) 分享 facebook
Alvi 自然色移動嬰兒床Birthe 組合,含 Vlies床墊、床幔架
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