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2007-09-23 00:42:29| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Perhaps happiness, but who realizes the result?

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Once again I read this article and got a feeling after understanding the result.

How lucky I am while losing her attention two years ago.

How shameful she is to betray her love always.

How happily you could be after recoginizing her face in final.

Indeed, nothing speical in my mind, since I already found my true love in the UK two years ago. I got much happiness until now.

Who knows her intention? The girl who is always naive in the past but so amazing right now. Rainbow remains seven colors but we have never found out a real color in final.

You should again to prove her that we are much better than whom she
will select in the future. Being as friends, you know we should always support you and stand with you.

Maybe it’s time to let it be, maybe for you and for her.

Happiness will be coming up again in near future, to you......

台長: Josefino
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