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郭健文 joe kwok 参演童話交響系列: 美女與野獸 x 阮兆祥

童話交響系列: 美女與野獸 x 阮兆祥
Beauty & the Beast x Louis Yuen
13.2.2022 2:30pm 香港文化中心音樂廳
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
Tickets are now available at URBTIX
Live symphony orchestra and Beauty & the Beast starred by Louis Yuen
Ticket Price 票價:  HK$350* HK$270* HK$190*
* Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities and the minder: 30% off  全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士及看護人可享七折優惠
Person below 3 years old not admitted   招待三歲以上人士
現場樂團將會以演奏著名交響及管弦音樂,如拉威爾的"美女與野獸的對話",郭健文 joe kwok以及阮兆祥的故事演繹,向觀眾呈現《美女與野獸》。
Beauty & the Beast will be presented by a live Symphony Orchestra with the renowned Artist Louis Yuen Siu Cheung for kids, adults and elderly to enjoy.  
This world famous fairy tale was originally written by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740 and rewritten by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont in 1756, and this 1756 version was widely retold around the world.
The orchestra will present “Beauty & the Beast” to the audience by the orchestral performance of various orchestral symphonic and philharmonic pieces, such as Maurice Ravel’s “The Conversation of Beauty & the Beast”, and by the storytelling of Louis Yuen.
Louis Yuen is a renowned TV and Film actor.

Tags: 郭健文 joe kwok

台長: 郭健文
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