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Longer memory is better for catching bursts, right?

   The fact that a digital oscilloscope cannot capture all parts of a signal is one thing to keep in mind when analyzing sudden or unexpected anomalies. And the larger the memory capacity, the higher the possibility of capturing unexpected phenomena.

  Indicates that a portion of the continuous sine wave is defective. The square part surrounded by the red frame indicates the range that the oscilloscope can capture. Increasing the storage capacity means increasing the width of the red box in the figure. Therefore, the probability of overlapping with the anomaly must be high.

  However, because the actual oscilloscope takes some time to process the waveform data, the "dead time" of not acquiring the waveform is much longer than the time it takes to acquire the waveform. According to the sampling rate and storage depth, the dead time of traditional oscilloscopes is 90-99% of the total. Therefore, it is better to increase the waveform update rate than to increase the storage capacity to effectively detect abnormal areas. Some oscilloscopes have a fast waveform update rate of 100,000 times per second, and the dead time is less than 50% of the total.

  What display function do you need? In the age of analog oscilloscopes, the image quality is determined by the CRT monitor, but for digital oscilloscopes, its quality mainly depends on the digital processing algorithm, not the physical characteristics of the monitor. Some manufacturers have added special display modes to their products to overcome any differences between traditional analog oscilloscope displays and digital displays. However, the specifications are not enough to choose the best oscilloscope for your development department.

  The only way to determine the best oscilloscope for you is to view the waveforms in the demonstration.

  Today's digital oscilloscopes can be divided into two major categories: waveform viewers and waveform analyzers. Display oscilloscopes are usually used for testing / troubleshooting. In such applications, you will obtain the required information from the waveform image. Waveform analysis uses Microsoft? Windows? functions and advanced analysis functions to analyze target information. Even so, it is impossible to determine whether the oscilloscope is the best by just looking at the product data sheet. You need to watch a real-time demonstration to see if you can get the desired result from the oscilloscope.


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