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2006-07-12 14:51:35| 人氣246| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

NO such person!

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A telephone conversation...

A : Hello, may i speak to Christine?
B : Sorry there is no Christine here.
A : I’m calling from xxx, is ur company name xxx?
B : Nope, my company is abc.
(A still no giving up to clarify more information)
A : Is the number of 12345678, isnt it correct?
B : Yes, it is. This number is belongs to our company.
A : Does your company purchase any product called POE?
B : No, i dont think so.
A : Ok, in that case, thanks a lot.
B : You are welcome.

The above conversation has been repeated more than 5 times in half a day. Same company keep on calling for the same purposed but by different people. I was really pissed off and cant stand it anymore, so irritated. Same mistake should not happend more than 3 times.

Last conversation was...

A : May i speak with Christine?
B : Sorry, there is no Christine here. Are you calling from xxx company? Let me informed you formally, there is no Christine working here and we didnt purchase any product from your company, ok?
A : Oh, i’m so sorry. Thank you.

i know i am impolite but force to. Wonder whose wrong? A girl who called Christine who purposely give wrong information? or the person in charge who key in wrong information?

What an annoying day! My heart still mumbling now...

台長: 蝴蝶
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 蝴言蝶語 |

Me also received such call. Last week 2 times and yesterday 1 time. She called from Aeon Center ask me is it Serena then actually is looking for somebody else (Malay guy). So funny!! The phone is correct woh.... 012-66xxxxx
2006-07-12 16:24:19
it was always happen for my hp! wonder y cant update others if someone wanna to change their phone no? be responsible a bit, k? attitude problems.
2006-07-12 17:32:19
They just take the so-called ”christine” person as a reason to promote thier company product to you, that’s what i think.
2006-07-14 09:40:39
Do not know what is their main purpose, however there is no more bothering after being ’scolded’. hehehe.
2006-07-15 17:16:31
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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