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2002-04-26 22:33:42| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

just wanna know..

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i don't need to know the result.. i just need to know your 心意.. i've been puting all my heart into it.. and i don't care what the outcome will be.. i've always tried to let you be certain with my love to you.. but you never told me anything...
if this is a 兩人三腳's race.. i'm not asking if we will get to the first place or fail.. i just wanna know if you really want to run it or not.. if you really want me to be your partner or not.. if you care about this race or not.. if you are willing to put all the effort into it or not..wanna know if you wanna quit or take a nap first or what.. wanna know how much this race matters in your heart..i don't need to know if we will make it through or not.. i just want to know your heart..
maybe this race matters a lot to me but not you.. of course it's not certain that we'll win.. but i'm puting all the efforts to warm up.. and cuz you are my partner in it.. i'm trying to teach you how to run faster.. how to jump over those obstacles in the game.. i'm trying my best to help you to do a good warm up.. to be different from last time when we failed.. but you seem so annoyed.. you never thanked me for telling you so.. you never told me that you'll change your way of running this time.. it seems i'm forcing you to race with me..
i'm afraid.. i'm so uncertain about this race.. i'm so nervous.. but i know that i really want to win it with you.. so before the game starts, like the usual, i'm telling you "yes, we will make it!" "ganbatte!" "i believe in you!".. but you are laying back.. saying nothing.. you didn't reply me a "yes we will!".. so i asked you.. cuz i dono if you really want to win like i do.. i don't wanna force you.. and you said.."it doesn't matter if we want to win or not.. we will just not think about it and let the 裁判 to decide if we win or not.." no..no.. i am not asking what the outcome will be.. i'm asking are you trying hard in it.. are you willing to put up all the effort.. but you are saying no matter how much effort we put up the 裁判 is the only one who decides if we win or not.. so you are laying back.. so you are not warming up for it like i do.. so you are not adding oil for your partner.. no practise.. no effort.. the outcome is obvious now already...
so now your partner start to wonder.. "Does he really want to race it or not?" "does he really want to race it with me or not?" what are you thinking..? you never told me how much you want to run with me. 當我用盡了我的全心全力, 你說你已沒再想this racing的事, 因為裁判會決定結果.. 但我因為想贏, 所以在努力, 而你卻躺在草地,聽天由命..
even if you are tired.. just tell me.. even if you think you don't like me to be your partner that much anymore.. just tell me.. even if you want to quit.. just tell me.. 兩人三腳的race 不是一個人可以拖著另一個人跑的...
so plz tell me your 心意...

台長: 晴日~*
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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