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2011-07-01 12:43:11| 人氣2,489| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Canada Day(Jul. 1, 2011),White Rock的慶祝活動

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加拿大日(英語:Canada Day,法語:Fête du Canada)是加拿大的全國公眾假日,訂於每年的71也是加拿大國慶日。 

循例,White Rock都會舉辦一系列的慶祝活動,活動在當日上午十時展開,最後的壓軸戲則是海邊的「煙火表演」(fireworks display)。 


1. The City of White Rock offers live entertainment by local musicans at West Beach on the Maximum Collision main stage, which runs 11 am to 9 pm.

2. East Beach is going to designed as kid zone. From 10 am to 3 pm, there willbe children's activities, including face painting, baloon twisting with a clown and a bouncy castle. At 10 am is a children's sandcastle event.

3. Along the promenade, on West and East Beach, more than 30 artisans will be set up, showcasing their works.  

4. The Canada Day Rock 10 km walk/run'jog and kid run begins at 8 am.

5. The White Rock fire department will be hosting a hot dog sale on West Beach, with all proceeds going to their charity.

5. The day-long event will wrap up with firewalk at 10:15 pm..

以上內容係摘錄自「The Source,Jul. 21, 2011的報導—Music, cake, sandcastle,and a run planned for White Rock's Canada Day by the Bay’

台長: Handsome Cat
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 加拿大的音樂活動 |
此分類下一篇:2011-07-01 Canada Day,到White Rock Beach去
此分類上一篇:07/17、07/18,White Rock Museum前廣場的音樂表演活動

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