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2017-12-19 10:28:27| 人氣10| 回應0 | 上一篇
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There's applause here

Outside the window, there is a tianzhu GUI, dead son; There's a lot of cinnamon, and it's still alive. This is one of the scenes after the street was renovated. It's a little bit of a little bit of a worry when you're knocking on the keyboard myob system. Because, this kind of sentence is plagiarized old gentleman suspicion.
"In my backyard, you can see two trees outside the wall. One is a jujube tree, and one is a jujube tree." (from "autumn night" -- lu xun) this is a classic language.
There is a suspicion of plagiarism, of course, of rotten eggs and rotten leaves.
A great poet's illness passed the county yesterday. On the table, the opening line: welcome the famous poets and the nine masters to the water rich. Unlike diplomatic rhetoric, such as strategic partnerships master of journalism hong kong, such as the blood of friendship, one eye, but who knows? The gang gathered together and seemed tongue-in-cheek, but there was something in it.
Some people don't understand the meaning of the master of nine. This is a relatively complicated project Air Purifier. First of all, you need to understand weiqi, and the ninth grade is the highest, equivalent to the title. Secondly, he knows the vocabulary of popular linguistics. He is good at telling jokes, but he has no number. Once again, the seamless connection between the two is necessary, and the meaning of the words is extended, elastic and tenable, and the taste comes out.
The great poet, while blowing his beer, was in a great deal of maneuver, and he had a lot of air and water, but he was always splashing around. He said, "to write poetry, to be new, to be different, the first is poetry, and the second is a paragraph."
There's applause here. Yes, our writing is not to copy the paragraph, but to be a part of the work.

台長: gloriaaaaa
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