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Cheap bed maintenance methods Cheap bed using skills

cheap bed

House decoration is the need for skills, now the <a href="https://panana.co.uk/">furniture online uk</a> is very popular, cheap is very atmospheric, in the design of the best to see some of the better design, but the cheap bed is the need for daily maintenance, so in the selection of the time must master the skills, then the cheap bed maintenance methods have what it? What are the selection methods of cheap beds? Next by Panana's editor to give you an introduction to it.

A, cheap sofa maintenance methods

1, <a href="https://panana.co.uk/collections/sofas-for-sale-uk">cheap sofas uk</a> is not the general wood and other substances, it is the same as leather, can not be used alcohol, tianna water and other chemical diluents to clean stains, you can try to use detergent and water to clean, use a rag with detergent gently wipe the stain, after cleaning with water. If you can't clear the stain, then, you can try other means, such as using toothpaste to smear the cheap backdrop, and then wipe with a clean rag; or you can also open your own brain, try a variety of means to carry out.

2, leather should first use clean hands to rub the leather bag, as long as the appropriate body heat and grease, with hands slowly and gently rub, it can make small wrinkles and even small scars disappear. In addition, the usual use, at any time on the maintenance oil, in order to extend the use of years. As for the use of maintenance oil, you can use the general leather maintenance fluid (available on the market), but it should be noted that, because of the difference in the cortex, when using first ask clear leather, and then with maintenance fluid applied to the bottom of the leather bag or the inner side of the unsightly places, in order to test whether it can be applied.

3, ordinary leather cleaning and maintenance method, is to remove the dust first, then use special cleaning oil to remove dirt, wrinkles. Secondly, the leather of the special oil on the cloth, gently coated on the leather bag, and then the cloth force in the leather bag friction, but do not apply too much cleaner, so as not to make the leather fade or pollution on the clothes, and should avoid improper squeezing. The natural oil of the leather itself will gradually decrease with time or use too many times, so even the very leather parts also need to do regular maintenance.

Second, the selection method of cheap bed

1, polyester fiber is a synthetic fiber, has a good wrinkle resistance, polyester fiber bed cheap material elasticity is better, can reduce the external force on the material damage, while insulation is better, can avoid being burned, ventilation is better, can reduce the corrosion of the bed of moisture, at the same time, polyester fiber bed cheap material more pores, the material is easier to clean. Polyester fiber is less expensive, the price comparison, such a bed cheap material is about 30 yuan per square meter.

2, artificial leather is similar to leather plastic products, its material is smooth, better artificial leather good have beautiful luster, artificial leather made bed cheap material is more beautiful, it has flame-resistant, colour diversity, its texture is not as good as leather, but artificial leather bed cheap material price is low, reduce the cost of the cost, loved by the majority of friends, artificial leather bed cheap more than 18 to 40 yuan,.

3, fabric is the <a href="https://panana.co.uk/collections/beds-and-mattresses-sale-uk">cheap beds uk</a> with fabric also for a wide range, fabric has the appearance of fashion, warm and comfortable characteristics, fabric bed cheap material is the main purpose is to enhance the softness of the room, increase the comfort of the bed, fabric material bed cheap material is easy and bedroom style coordination, choose fabric do bed cheap material can not be wrong, its price is relatively, can be accepted by most consumers.

台長: 藍莓
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