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高爾夫》阿迪達斯高爾夫超越巔峰,TOUR360 22鞋款上市

【羅開新聞中心Thomas LO桃園採訪報導】高球領導品牌adidas Golf(阿迪達斯高爾夫)秉持創新研發與力求突破的精神,在每一年推出的旗艦型高球鞋款上不斷革新,為世界級職業高球選手提供相匹配的高性能裝備。其中,強調360度包覆性,開創新時代指標性商品「TOUR360系列高球鞋」,今年推出被盛讚為最好、全新一代「TOUR360 22」。

adidas Golf持續在高球領域上追求卓越,也在台灣高球體壇耕耘,扶植新生代高球好手不遺餘力,2022年三月十日假東方高爾夫俱樂部舉行新品發表會,並正式宣布與台灣高球新秀洪玉霖、黃郁評、沈威成、陳裔東攜手合作,支持選手們在高球球壇發光發熱,努力共闖佳績!

集結全系列優勢與創新科技於一身,阿迪達斯高爾夫「最好的一代」TOUR360 22 搭載全新高科技開賣,回顧這款商品十七年來的鞋款推進歷史,總是在尋求大膽設計與優異性能間尋找完美平衡,竭力滿足當代高爾夫頂尖好手對於一雙專業鞋款的需求。

此次TOUR360 22在力求創意性的改革上,更加著重在解決高球選手最重視的「貼合度」與「抓地力」性能,回顧歷代TOUR360系列及其他旗艦系列鞋款的設計作為靈感發想來源,打造出讓國際知名球星Dustin Johnson(達斯汀‧強森)、Xander Schauffele(山大‧蕭佛利)、韓裔美國女將姜孝林(Danielle Kang)等人,一致好評並感到驚艷的上乘之作,盛讚TOUR360 22為「有史以來性能表現最好的鞋款」!


1.) The dual-polarization (HQ-Series or HR-Series) antenna has an electronic switch that may simultaneously test horizontal and vertical or +-45deg polarization, as well as a couple that can test circular polarization.
2.) The dual-polarized antenna (HQ-Series or HR-Series) is mounted on the chamber's bracket or wall (this is the way to test the antenna)
3.) If the dual-polarized antenna is being used for something else and calibration is needed, we can certainly assist.
4.)Single-polarized antennas (HA-Series, HB-Series, and other antennas) are commonly used to replace the antenna method's calibration antenna. When HA calibration is utilized, the calibration site is lost (patch loss uses a network analyzer) Enter the antenna's gain (minus the gain of the antenna, equal to the address of the object under test, return to zero)

5.) There is only one technique to compute antenna gain. The path loss patch loss subtracts the antenna's gain and substitutes the antenna under test to obtain the antenna's gain.
6.) Rotate the object under test after calculating the antenna route loss and gain calibration numbers (requires a rotating table, 2D test)
7.) If you want to read the horizontal and vertical antenna patterns at the same time with a dual-polarized antenna, an RF electronic switch, and a 3D rotating table, you can get the antenna pattern of the antenna (3D testing requires the use of HA-Series calibration twice, Horizontal and vertical or +-45deg),

8.) Antennas can be tested in a variety of methods (if you have any questions, you can provide simple photos or hand-drawn pictures, and we can assist you in the test plan)

9.) To ensure that the test value of the antenna is in compliance with international standards, all Horn products developed by FT-RF have passed internal calibration and testing in collaboration with external national research institutions, as well as third-party confirmation tests.

10.)In most ISO systems, we will demand external calibration of our test items every three years and internal self-calibration every other year. You can use the network with a set of HA-Series antennas. Calculate the path's loss using an analyzer (but usually at least three antennas can be used for internal correction, we can do internal correction by replacing the three antennas in turn)

11.)The antenna can be shipped back to Taiwan for calibration once every three years (you must know the shipping cost and the economic impact), or you can purchase a fresh set of calibrated antennas (we will calibrate the antenna internally).

11.)The antenna can be sent back to Taiwan for calibration once every three years (you must know the cost of shipping and the economic impact), or you can purchase a new set of calibrated antennas (we will calibrate the antenna internally or It is externally corrected and then sent to the customer)

12.) Antenna calibration is mostly done by an external calibration unit that must bear the ISO17025 and TAF logos.

13.)For the difference comparison test, you can use internally calibrated antennas, self-calibration, and ISO17025 antennas; this approach is frequently used in the ISO9001 series.

Double-Ridged Horn Antenna
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The horn antenna is a broadband passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF Double Ridged Horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style. These series are characterized by a huge frequency range and extremely high input powers. With increasing frequency, the gain rises to a maximum of 18 dBi. At higher frequencies, the increased gain compensates for the increasing cable losses.

The advantages of Horn antenna:

- Wide bandwidth: Because the horn antenna has no resonant parts, it can function over a wide range of frequencies.

- Easy waveguide interface: These antennas are very easy to interface to waveguide due to their shape, but they can also be designed with a transition so that a regular coaxial feeder can be used.

- Easy to make, simple design.

The horn is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for EMC and immunity test measurements.

Recommended Accessories

- Antenna Tripod: easy and fast-changing polarisation. 100% stable handling

- SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable

在鞋款性能上,研發出全新TOUR360 FIT科技,結合Feet You Wear™ Last技術幫助球友在橫向的動作上,能利用與地面的貼合度產生動能輔助,更優雅不費力地完成揮桿。這項科技還模仿足部形狀,讓雙腳穿上鞋後能以最舒適自然的形狀,獲得緊密貼合的穿著實感。而在鞋底部分,TOUR360 22搭載全新SPIKEMORE軟釘結構系統,打造面積更大的防滑軟釘幫助分散重量,同時提供雙足接觸地面的鎖定感,讓每一次揮桿更加穩定。

為了強化貼合度,搭載全新BOA®技術提升上腳契合度。利用PerformFit Wrap™系統將兩個重疊的鞋面延伸至腳背頂部,並透過Li2旋鈕來細部微調包覆鞋跟,穩定足部藉以優化整體鞋子的適應度。

近幾年越來越多女子球員加入高球領域,過去五年來,美國打高爾夫的女性持續穩定上升,已有近三成打高爾夫的球友為女性,說明高爾夫不再只是男性專屬的社交運動。adidas Golf也期望能持續發揚女性市場,讓所有喜歡高球的女子都能毫無後顧之憂的享受這項運動,找出屬於自我的高球「趣」道。



以下文章來自: https://tw.sports.yahoo.com/news/%E9%AB%98%E7%88%BE%E5%A4%AB-%E9%98%BF%E8%BF%AA%E9%81%94%E6%96%AF%E9

台長: franklinyi
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