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2001-11-23 00:53:56| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nice to meet U, mate.

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Hey….nice to meet you here
For such a long time that we used to meet….
Now turning back to the other half earth distance…
You are backed
Same as me.

Remember the bunch of old friends we met in London,
Those old days seemed to be far away but still fresh in mind,
Will never end…

How are other people I also want to know,
How are your days in Korea I also wish to know,
We used to lie on the floor drink and eat,
With the fatty cat relax inside the house.

Once in our life we enjoyed fun,
Once in our days we realized what’s friendship,
Once in our time we understand the valuable love.

Hold your hands,
Support my shoulder,
Always remember our fun on the road,
Where is the friends for and go on.

Meet you on line,
Feeling back to meet up my darling,
Cos you guys are always hanging there,
In the crowed house with the best warm heart.

台長: Londonfish
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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