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2002-01-29 13:24:52| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Last Night I Thought About You

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Last night I thought about you,
like every night since we met.
But I noticed something was different,
like the way the stars were set.

They seemed to have changed location;
now they spell out your name.
Then I looked all around me,
and nothing seemed the same.

In the moon I saw your face;
the breeze sung out your voice.
Everything reminded me of you,
by chance and not by choice.

In the sunrise I saw your smile;
in the starlight I saw your eyes.
My body ached to be near you,
while my heart was doing flips.

Last night I thought about you,
like every night since lightning strike.
And I noticed something was different,
when you’re far, I am torn apart.

~~Fiddler 01/28/2002

台長: Fiddler
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