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2019-12-09 13:59:57| 人氣536| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一日立委選舉— 我的6大政見 改變文化從自己做起

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1. 爭取嘉義縣市合作的牛稠溪科學園區,創造就業機會,增加市庫收益,讓青年返鄉,讓三代同堂,成為嘉義人共同的選項。
Pursuit a science-based industrial park with a county and city’s cooperation along the river to create more jobs and government income.
Let youths all have more chances to come home work, take care of parents, and enjoy the family reunion.

2. 爭取預算,讓嘉義市成為局處業務整合,全面單一窗口,提供市民服務的示範城市,同時建立在地數位行政管理產業。
Strive for the budget to set up a one-stop service and make Chiayi the first model city in Taiwan.
Integrate and found a digital management system to promote efficiency and convenience for the public.

Promote Legislation to transform business management into political administration system to refound tax.

Fight for river improvement and build up a plane reservoir and to satisfy the water demand of the science Park.
Broaden and straighten the prevention roads to expand the flow of transportation as circumferential streets.

5. 延長國道3竹崎交流道的引道,經過林森路、大雅路,到鹿寮嘉義大學,建立新的嘉義東環線,連結到八掌溪防汛道路
Prolong the freeway Number 3’s interchange road to Chiayi university to connect two flood prevention roads

6. 成立國家大數據中心,由公而私,由內而外,由政策到人事,運用數位科技,解決議會和行政失靈問題,建立4.0版數位民主產業。
Promote legislation to set up democracy Industry 4.0 with digital and bioscience innovation to solve modern political failures.


台長: 凌子楚
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會) | 個人分類: 平民政治 |

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