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【2018熱門產品】Joie 輕便推車 litetrax- 4 不能不逛新上市


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Joie Buggy Litetrax™ 4最多人購買 設計式樣: Chromium · 2018

The super easy one-hand folding mechanism of the Joie Buggy litetrax™ 4 makes this pushchair one of a kind. In order to fold it all you have to do is to pull the strap hidden underneath the seat and the litetrax™ 4 instantly folds to a compact size and thus can even be used like a trolley.

The chassis' neat and trendy design scores in an instant. The Joie Buggy Litetrax™ 4 is a lightweight and super convenient companion that features premium covers in various colours that help you add a little more oomph to your everyday strolls through town or country. Once your little one is able to sit straight on his or her own, it is right about time to get this chic buggy. Being fastened with the soft padded, height adjustable five-point harness your child is ready to discover the world. The buggy also comes with a removable safety bar and features a backrest that can be adjusted in four different levels. Due to the 2-fold adjustable footrest your child can put his or her feet up and relax while riding in the buggy.

The large XXL canopy has a zip that enables you to extend it. Equipped with a sun shade you can create a safe and protected place for your little one and always keep an eye on your child through the viewing panel.

Since you cannot only use it as a buggy, the litetrax™ 4 stands out as one of the most versatile pushchairs available. When combined with the Joie Infant Car Seat i-Gemm™ and the Carrycot Ramble™ (both not included in delivery) you can easily transform the litetrax™ into a convenient travel system right from the very first day with your little one. Both the buggy's independently suspended wheels as well as its swivel front wheels that can be locked according to the surface you are driving on contribute to high manoeuvrability on any terrain.

A real treat for mom and dad is a bottle holder and a push bar box in which all necessary items such as mobile phone, keys, baby's bottle etc. can be stored and kept easily at reach.

Product details:

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months up to a body weight of 15 kg

  • Suitable right from birth when combined with the ramble™ Carrycot and the i-Gemm Infant Car Seat (not included in delivery!)

  • Incl. rain cover, push bar box and bottle holder

  • Backrest adjustable in 4 different levels; 3-fold height adjustable five-point harness with SoftTouch-Padding; padded and removable safety bar

  • XXL-canopy extendable via zip; viewing panel and sun shade

  • Independent wheel suspension, lockable swivel front wheels2018流行商品團購人氣商品

  • One-Touch-Brake

  • Weight: 9,7 kg

  • Size open: 92 x 60 x 103,5 cm; size folded: 82,5 x 60 x 31,5 cm




Joie 輕便推車 litetrax? 4








狠酸綠營拔韓國瑜北農職位 吳音寧:不予置評柯p言論

[新頭殼newtalk] 九合一大選將在本週六登場,目前已經進入倒數48小時。針對高雄市長選舉,國民黨高雄市長候選人韓國瑜在民進黨的大票倉掀起「韓流」效應,大出所有人意料之外;台北市長柯文哲昨(21)日受訪時表示,當初韓國瑜在北農做得好好的,卻遭民進黨拔掉,如今「這下慘了,搞成今天這個局面」,大酸民進黨;對此。現任北農總經理吳音寧今天針對柯文哲的言論則表示不予置評。




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