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2005-07-21 08:03:40

The heart asks pleasure first--Emily Dickinson

The heart asks pleasure first, 心靈先向歡愉索取問答, And then, excuse from pain; 隨後,苦痛前來辯解; And then, those little anodynes 同時,施捨少許\稀有 That deaden suffering; 緩和痛苦的...

2005-07-20 19:36:09

Let me not mar that perfect dream--Emily Dickinson

LET me not mar that perfect dream 請別損毀那純臻的美夢,讓我 By an auroral stain, 以一道極光的沾染,(假以一抹霞光渲染) But so adjust my daily night 噢!那般渲染我每個夜裏(無瑕浸凌我所有夜晚) ...

2005-07-14 16:43:39

I can write the saddest lines tonight--Pablo Neruda

I can write the saddest lines tonight. 今夜我將寫下最悲傷的詩行。 Write for example: ‘The night is fractured and they shiver, blue, those stars, in the distance’ 像是烙印著:「夜倏迸裂, 憂藍...

2005-07-14 08:19:11

HOPE is the thing with feathers--Emily Dickinson

Part One: Life XXXII HOPE is the thing with feathers      希望是身著羽毛的悠縈 That perches in the soul,         棲落在靈魂的鳩巢裡, And sings the tune without the words,     ...

2005-07-11 22:54:42

I ’m Nobody! Who are You?--Emily Dickinson

I’m nobody! Who are you?         我是諾芭蒂!你是誰? Are you nobody too?              你也是諾芭蒂嗎? Then there’s a pair of us - don't tell! 那我們是一對吧!這事別對人說。...

2005-07-11 06:51:55

Sonnets to Orpheus Second Part, XXIX

Sonnets to Orpheus Second Part, XXIX 奧菲爾斯十四行組曲第二部第二十九首 Still friend of many distances, feel how 遙迢沉隱的摯友,至今我猶然清明諦聆, your breath increases space even now. 覺知...

2005-07-09 05:37:14

Poetry--Pablo Neruda

Poetry 詩歌 Pablo Neruda(1904-1973) 聶魯達 And it was at that time... Poetry came 就在那個年紀…詩歌前來 to find me. Don’t know, don’t know from where, 找到了我。不知道,我不知道祂來自何方,...

2005-07-08 08:45:57

Under One Small Star--Wislawa Szymborska

Under One Small Star  在一顆小星星底下 My apologies to chance for calling it necessity. 我替必然向偶然道歉。 My apologies to necessity if I'm mistaken, after all. 如果最終是我錯了,我向必然道歉...

2005-07-07 14:55:48

Down Time’s quaint stream--Emily Dickinson

DOWN Time’s quaint stream 盪,盪漾於棹槳闕如, Without an oar, 奇幻的時間潮流,我們 We are enforced to sail, 被迫航向一隅,秘密的 Our Port—a secret— 孤獨港灣,我們或將 Our Perchance—a...

2005-07-07 08:27:20

Going to him! Happy letter! Tell him--Emily Dickinson

“GOING to him! Happy letter! Tell him— 快!稍個訊息告訴他!那封幸福的信函- Tell him the page I did n’t write; 告訴他,頁面下藏有匆忙忘記寫下的字句; Tell him I only said the syntax, 告訴他...

2005-06-29 06:40:42

I\'m Nobody! Who are You?--Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you? 我是娜芭蒂!你是誰? Are you nobody too? 你也是娜芭蒂嗎? Then there's a pair of us - don't tell! 那我們是一對吧!這事別對人說。 They'd banish us, you know. 你知道的,他...

2005-06-27 14:34:57

I DIED for beauty--Emily Dickinson

I DIED for beauty, but was scarce           我為美而死, Adjusted in the tomb,            被埋在荒郊的墳塚, When one who died for truth was lain     有個人為真理而亡, ...

2005-06-27 14:10:55

The Land of Nod--Stevenson

The Land of Nod  諾得之地 From breakfast on through all the day     從早餐開始貫穿白日 At home among my friends I stay,      我都呆在家中陪伴友人, But every night I go abroad    ...

2005-06-24 14:16:44

The Shadow B.Jonson

THE SHADOW-B.Jonson 影子 江聲 Follow a shadow,it still flies you;          我欲追隨影,影竟離棄我; Seem to fly it, it will pursue:           我想躲藏她,她卻糾纏我; So co...

2005-06-23 14:33:18

Liebes-Lied -Rainer Maria Rilke

Liebes-Lied (Love Song) 愛曲 How can I keep my soul in me, so that 噢!我該如何護航我漂泊的靈魂,以免 it doesn\'t touch your soul? How can I raise 讓它觸入你的心海?我又該如何將它 it high enoug...

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