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China Conventional Polyester Yarn

yarn incorporates silver into conventional polyester yarn. The product is suitable for athletic garments and T-shirts. It has the same aesthetic and functional properties as conventional polyester yarn. During the manufacturing process, plastic pellets are melted and woven into yarn. In the next step, they are passed through a spinneret. This results in a finished product that is ready for knitting or weaving into fabric.

The processing method used to produce conventional polyester yarn includes cooling pulling and minute grade packaging. The drawing temperature is 210-240° Fahrenheit. The processing method of conventional polyester yarn consists of deformation, false twist texturing, oil, and three roller. During the process, the temperature in the deformation hot box is 210 to 240° F. Then, the finished product is cooled. The product reaches the required strength and has a good feel.

As the name implies, the X1 of conventional polyester yarn is its tensile strength/elongation ratio. The X0 value indicates the amount of elongation per unit of tensile strength. As the ratio of elongation to tensile strength increases, the conventional polyester yarn can no longer be used in airbags. In addition, the elongation rate decreases as the polymer heats up.

The tensile elongation of conventional polyester yarn varies widely. The X3 index is a good indicator of how tightly a fabric is stitched. This index is derived by multiplying the denier value by the number of filaments in the fabric. Then, the polyester yarn is heated to 95+-5% relative humidity for 504 hours. The tensile strength of a fabric is measured in terms of its Young's modulus.

The carboxyl end group in conventional polyester yarn is relatively low in comparison to other synthetic fibers. The amount of carboxyl in the yarn of the present invention is about forty to forty-five meq/kg. The maximum level of this end group is about sixty to ninety-two meq/kg. The elongation of a conventional polyester yarn is about 30%. The elongation of the fibre is 30 times that of the ordinary yarn.

When it comes to performance, the cationic polyester yarn is similar to natural silk and is more expensive than conventional polyester. It also has a higher added value than natural silk. The cationic feel should be stiffer than ordinary polyester clothing. The X0 index of a conventional polyester yarn is a ratio of tensile strength to elongation. While this isn't a very meaningful parameter, it helps to compare the performance of a cationic fabric.

The product of this invention is superior in terms of elasticity and toughness. Its aqueous component is used for fabric finishing. It has superior elasticity and can absorb energy. A polyester fabric that is fabricated using the invention has higher elongation and color yield compared to the conventional fabric. It is also highly resistant to abrasion. This property makes it a desirable material in a variety of geotechnical applications.

A high-elongation polyester yarn of the present invention has a low Young's modulus at room temperature and after heat treatment. It also has low Young's modulus after a two percent or 1% extension. The latter is preferred, since it can withstand the stresses of a wide range of fabrics. This yarn is an excellent option for a variety of applications and is available in a variety of colors.

Among the advantages of the present invention, a low Tg is achieved by the heat-treated polyester yarn. This material is also hygroscopic. The X3 elongation-tensile index of the fabric is a useful parameter in determining its tensile strength. The corresponding elongation-tensile elongation ratio is T0. The elongation-tensile-elongation factor is S0.

台長: dtyyarn
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